xvid re encoding

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by gavins, Jan 29, 2004.

  1. gavins

    gavins Member

    Jan 28, 2004
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    just windering if anyone can help me as i have been having a problem trying to re encode an xvid file and there seems to be a major problem with the audio.i have tried decompressing it but it throws up errors and wont allow it, i have tried to re encode it with Win MPG and also throws up errors,i also tried Main Concept Encoder and even tried to use Nero as a last resort just so i could get at the audio,NOTHING WORKS the compression ratio is 64:1 and has a 23.976 f/rate,obviously TMPG will allow an encode but WITHOUT any audio,the file will play ok if i play it in Video Lan player or bs player,but this is the first time that all of the above have failed.I havent used virtual dub or virtual dub mod as i'm unsure of what to do in there anyway,i just wondered if there was another way of eventually geting this converted,i have conveted other xvid before but this one has got me totally stumped,and would appreciate any advice. thanx in advance to anyone who has any thoughts or ideas
  2. teegee420

    teegee420 Regular member

    Feb 3, 2004
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    Use Virtualdub to open the Xvid file. I'm guessing that you will probably receive a variable bitrate audio error but that's ok. Go to the audio menu and select "Full Processing Mode", then go to File and select "Save WAV". You can now select the wav file as your audio source in TMPGEnc.

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