Xvid to DVD Ntsfilm, always slight juddering fast shots

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by dodgey, Mar 16, 2004.

  1. dodgey

    dodgey Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    Hi folks. Done my searching but not quite hit the nail on the head yet...

    I'm converting movies (Divx and Xvid) to DVD using Gspot, Vdub (Vdubmod for Ac3) TMPGenc and TMPGen DVD author (and Beslice of course!)

    When I convert Pal sources (25fps) All goes swimmingly. Whenever I convert 23.97(NTSCFim) (almost always Xvid, if not all) I get a slight juddery effect in fast panning and movement shots (slow scenes are fine).

    I'm convering 23.97 using NTSC DVD template (3:2 pulldown - 23.97 (29.97 internally)).

    It is ALWAYS with 23.97 material - which nearly all the files available seem to be. I'd dearly like not to do the 3:2 pulldown, but if I encode at 23.97 then DVD author tells me I can only burn at NTSC 29.97 or PAL.

    If I check the source AVIs they play fine on my PC. If I check the outputted MV2 files they are juddery. If I burn to dvd the judder is still there.
    If I encode at 23.97 they are fine (but of course can't be burnt)

    So I am assuming the 3:2 pulldown is the culprit?

    All of my raw unencoded moves play fine if I hook my PC directly to my projector, but that's not the point. I want to be able to use DVDs for the simplicity (not to mention the easy of getting AC3 to work - my PC refuses to output AC3 to my hifi, just giving me pops and screeches - sound card nightmares :-( ) Plus all the wires from my PC to my projector are an accident waiting to happen. :)

    please help, I'm mightily confused!

  2. dodgey

    dodgey Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    Update - Done a lot more testing. It seems 3:2 pulldown is not the culprit. I can encode at the source 23.97 and still jet a mildly jerky product.

    Play the raw source, - silky smooth.

    Encode Pal 25fps - silky smooth output

    So all I can be sure of so far is 23.97 fps material is the problem...
  3. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    R U sure they are 23Fps and not 29Fps? I assume you have right clicked/properties and had a look at the format? All I know is I have done 23 and 29 and haven't altered anything outside of the main options and have only had that exact issue becasue I was converting NTSC23 to PAL25.

    I don't know how bad it will be doing NTSC29 to NTSC23.
  4. dodgey

    dodgey Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    definately 23.97source.
  5. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    you are playing the dvd on an ntsc capible tv arent you?? not thru a pal tv?? ive noticed that when i try to play a ntscfilm disc thru a pal only tv there is a slight jerk but thru my other multi system tv(ntsc&pal system compatible) the output is flawless, or are you saying it looks jerky even on your pc??, if thats the case and you say you get 'silky smooth' playback when encoding to pal, then why try to re-invent the wheel?? just encode to pal

    easy sorted ;)
  6. dodgey

    dodgey Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    Talking about my PC. Burning to DVD makes zero difference (DVD player is multi region high end).

    When I say burning PAL is silky smooth, I mean from a PAL source xvid.

    It's 23.97 source material that gives me a headache.
  7. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    regions is to do with different countries securites on dvd and games discs(australia is region 4 ect ect) this has nothing to do with pal or ntsc. most dvd players can play ntsc and pal that i know of, but its your tv that you have to worry about(if you set your dvdplayer to pal on an ntsc tv the picture will be black and white and vice versa and if you set it to the wrong system it will jerk)

    anywayz if your sure the source is ntscfilm and you are choosing the ntscfilm template then its not that your trying to convert to a different framerate that tmpge cannot do, so this is interesting

    you dont have anything running in the background when your encoding??? or using other programs or anything??? that may be the problem if thats so

    other than that im at a loss as to what it could be, i'll get back to you if i can figure what the problem could be

    Edit:. ive just played some converted xvid files on my comp(ntscfilm mpeg1) and i did notice a slight jerk on motion scenes, but they play flawlessly on my multisystem tv, which leads me to believe that its the comp that has trouble playing the files, pc's can play all systems 'pal,ntsc,ntscfilm and secam'(secam=nearly phased out cept russia) so i think its because it can play all those systems that it cant play them all properly, so even though you've already said it makes no differance burning to dvd but you musn't be using the right system on your stand alone dvdplayer and on ur tv, ntsc on dvd and also ntsc on tv and you should be right

    if that doesnt work then really i dont know what your problem could be

    sorry(if this doesnt work, which it should) in advance, but thats the only conclusion i can come up with

    cheers m8
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Young man......Young man......You Just Got Knocked the Fucked Out[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2004
  8. dodgey

    dodgey Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    Thanks for the lengthy reply. I'm not using the ntscfilm template I'm using the ntscdvd template. If I use the film template then when it comes to the dvd authoring I'n told I can't burn because dvd only supports ntsc (29) or pal (25). I think I will do a bunch more tests tonight (after removing all my codecs and re installing)....
  9. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    alright ive never used a dvd author so i dont know why its not accepting but what i do is that all ntsc dvds are 23.97fps which is ntscfilm so youd think you wouldnt have a problem authoring with that framerate, i also know that when doing vcd/svcd conversions with ntscfilm that theres no problem there either, and i also know that other people have been able to convert their ntscfilm files to dvd without a hitch using tmpge dvd author, so i dare say that yourve done something wrong, maybe someone like buxton can help you out with this one as he has been able to create a ntscfilm dvd with tmpge dvd author with relative ease cause as ive said ive never used a dvd authoring program(idont have a dvdburner)so i really dont have a clue what could be going wrong with 1, but because ur not using a 23.97 framerate thats the reason ur haveing jerkiness issue

    cheers m8
  10. dodgey

    dodgey Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    OK. Sorted. Well kind of. It's my PC.

    I'm doing the same on my office computer with perfect results. My home one has issues obviously! I'll clean it up and try again this weekend.

    Def a PC problem!
  11. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    just a quick question, what programs have you got running in the background on your home pc?? ive heard that numerous programs like cleaners are causing people grief wit conversions

  12. dodgey

    dodgey Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    very little. It's actually a very clean, very new system. I reckon its a duf codec or similar so I'm going to remove them all and start again.

    Its a new P4 3.0ghz with 1Gb 800Mhz fsb.
  13. dodgey

    dodgey Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    You know what. PCs are funny things. I'm encoding on my work PC in the background whilst working, with lots of other shit going on. Perfect encodes. Other than when I preview the VOBs it runs in slow-mo but the burn is perfect!
  14. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    hmmmmm thats very strange, are you using any anti-virus/firewall protection programs that use alot of resources?? i know ive had problems when running macafee while converting as it hogs a hell of alot of resources

    other than that, im not too sure, ur cpu is diffenatly up to the job(p4 yeah?). and what codec are you using?, some xvid codecs are very poorly made, the one that comes with fddshow is probably the best IMO

    anywayz hope ive helped you out a bit, and i hope all goes well with conversion

    cheers buddy

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