Xvid to VCD conversion issue slight freezing on playback

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by Krimmy, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. Krimmy

    Krimmy Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    I followed the directins in one of the threads enabling me to load the xvid video into TMPGEn for conversion and it worked fine.

    Conversion took 1 hour for 22min of video which was fine but upon playing the new mpg file I noticed slight freezing of the video every other second as it played, it didn't loose sync it was just freezing ever so slightly. Is there a setting I missed TMPGEn that could solve this? I did have other programs running during the conversion but I wasn't using the machine while it was converting.

    Anyone know how to solve this? thanks!
  2. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    what was your source file NTSC or PAL??
    if your source was ntsc and you chose to convert it to pal (or vice versa) thats your problem, tmpge doesnt do a proper framerate conversion, thats what is causing the jerky playback

    so if your source is pal you must set tmpge to convert to pal (same as with a ntsc file)

  3. Krimmy

    Krimmy Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Sorry I should have replied here that I got around the problem by using another machine to encode. The other machine had a cleaner install and I wasn't running anthing while encoding, so it may have been either or both on the original machine.
  4. Mick69

    Mick69 Guest

    O I C

    np anywayz m8

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