XXXmpeg.exe....any idea what that is??

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by DaOsT, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. DaOsT

    DaOsT Regular member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    I installed norton firewall 2003 and antivuirus 2003 and 3 to a brand new pc today and after installing the firewall a
    HIGH RISK!!!
    warning came on XXXmpeg.exe attempting to get online so I blocked it .....a few minutes later it tryed again .....I blocked it the next time I have to reboot and boot back up the pc simply to coin a phrase seems to be fucked anyone have any ideas what that is??
    also ever heard of a antivirus called antivirus??

  2. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Brand New PC, was it??

    So why does it have a Dialler Trojan/Hijacker like XXXMPEG.exe on it?

    Been browsing naughty sites without any protection, have you?

    Look at it this way, would you take YOURSELF into a Plague-infested environment without protection/precaution? No!

    Then why connect your computer (yourself) to the internet (plague-infested environment) without protection??

    I expect better from you DaOsT, you are letting the side down, sunshine.

    You are in the U.K.
    You are on BlueYonder
    You have a 1 Meg connection

    You would be better off wiping and starting again,
    leaving the internet PHYSICALLY DISCONNECTED
    installing ALL the security software (firewall/av etc)
    THEN connecting and updating.

    A good bit of software to catch the nasty downloads is Download Accelerator from Speedbit - it is a good download manager in general.

    Checklist of GOOD security etc software:
    Download Accelerator
    Adaware Pro with Adwatch
    Real-Time Cookie Cutter
    Norton AntiVirus 2004 (or 2003)
    any DECENT personal Firewall
    FULL set of patches from Microsoft

    I could tell you how to remove XXXMPEG.EXE from your system, but I don't think you have enough experience to be let loose in the registry.

    This has been a VERY gentle tap with the clue-stick.
    If your system is not secure, EVERYTHING else is a waste of time...

    Have Fun...
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2004
  3. DaOsT

    DaOsT Regular member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    drchips thanxs for the help but no it aint My pc who has got hit yeah I know you dun have to believe Me but I have no reason to lie

    I have precaution but the ppl who I went to install today ain't I went there to put norton antivirus and firewall on and it has fucked there pc BIGTIME So now I am feel it is partly My fault whether it is or isnt I dunno I installed norton and the pc has just gone completely apeshit

    but thanxs alot drchips its a lesson learn't to Me and them I ain't told them yet thanxs I think redoing windos norton firewall antivirus peerguardian spybot adaware

    anything else I could put on it also??

    again thanxs DaOsT
  4. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Fair enough,

    IF you are having to maintain other people's machines, you NEED Norton AntiVirus 2004 (NOT 2003) - buy a copy, don't download.

    Buying a copy gets you a CD that can be used to BOOT the machine and run an AntiVirus scan on the C: drive.

    That will zap most, if not all of the viruses (the rest will be caught after install/update/scan).

    Further possibilities include:

    User-Mode Linux, booted off a CD:

    An up-to-date and SECURE Windows XP Pro OR Windows 2000 Pro installation on a hard-drive that can be used to boot the system (the hard-drive can be internal or external), clean etc, then taken out.

    You need to create a CD with ALL the critical updates from Microsoft - 1 CD for each different O/S.

    You need to create a CD with ALL your utility and security software on it.


    Never work on a "Customer" PC WITHOUT first taking a Ghost image of their drive.
    Always carry a spare hard-drive when working on other machines.

    If you work on "Customer" machines very often, you will come up against these kind of problems again & again - they only call you when things are F**ked-Up, so you are at a disadvantage from the start.

    Arm yourself fully to do battle with the Morons out there, lots of them are too stupid to have a PC, but you will be expected to fix everything QUICKLY, and when you try to tell them HOW the problem was caused, they don't want to hear it...

    You have taken on a thankless task, you HAVE to CHARGE THEM FOR IT, DON'T do it for free as it will only encourage them to continue f**king it up, knowing you will fix it.

    If you mucked up your car, would you expect the mechanic down the road (that you happen to know) to fix it for free?? NO!!
    Same for computers - if you have the skill to fix something, GET PAID....

    Have Fun, and best of luck....
  5. DaOsT

    DaOsT Regular member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    drchips how do I put it


  6. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    DaOsT, how do I put it

    Glad to be of service.

    Have Fun...
  7. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    drchips, what's your opion on setting up a system with Redhat as the primary, install VMware and then run Windows XP or ete in the linux environment? I thought it could help solve some internet problems, as your base is linux and few virus (I know there are some) use it as a target. The downside to this setup is that it is heavy on cpu requirements and Ram. But you get full Windows in Linux setup.
  8. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    To what end?
    What would you want to run in the "Windows Environment"?

    I need to understand more of what you are thinking to be able to give an informed opinion that fits yur needs.

    Have Fun...
  9. askyew

    askyew Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    drchips how good is the norton firewall/internet security?

    I know it has alot of set-up features you can choose from such as reporting anytime your pc attempts to access the net.

    Hell all microsoft programs try to stay online at all times and I don't know which to block. I wonder is Bill Gates watching me?

    I have tried the tin foil but it still connects at will.

    I also get alot of, port blocked for 30 minutes backdoor sub seven/trojan horse alerts, are these anything to worry about

    PS I am on my work computer now, I will give you a shot at me later if ya want.
  10. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya askyew,
    I do not use it personally, and have not done sufficiently extensive testing to have an opinion as to whether it is any "better" than similar products such as ZoneAlarm.

    It offers much the same functionality and interfacing as its competitors.

    Personally I use Kerio Personal Firewall 2.14 (latest version is 4.0.10 and is available as a download, 30-day eval as Full Version after which it reverts to Limited Edition which is [bold]FREE for home use[/bold])

    I treat EVERY connection request with great suspicion UNTIL I AM SURE it is correct, some need automatic permission (ccAPP etc), some have one-time permission (Media Player codec searches), some get permanently denied after an initial one-time permit (RealOne, QuickTime etc) and others get a permanent deny from the start.

    I stick with the 2.14 version because I like the interface and know the operation of the Rule Structures inside-out, the later version do the same job but with fancy GUI (I think that oversimplification and fancy GUI's ultimately remove the user from the finer control and tweaks, but then again I AM a techie).
    EVERYTHING like that is worthy of attention, how much attention is determined by how paranoid you are (I maintain a healthy level of paranoia) and the severity of the consequences of NOT attending to it.
    Could you elucidate, please.

    Have Fun...
  11. askyew

    askyew Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    I just meant after seeing you give love to your buddy haXOOR or whatever he called himself, I thought you could tell me how easy it is to see me. I know that someone who knows what they are doing could probably find me. I was just wondering how easy I would be for an amateur. Not that you are an amateur thats why I asked.
  12. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya askyew,

    I have already been asked this by another, and have declined.

    I allowed the "1337 HaXoR" to rattle me, and in responding in that manner I overstepped the bounds of propriety - so I decline your invitation.

    Have Fun...
  13. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    drchips, I know there is website that provides you with what every information you are displaying to the outside world. But I can't rember what it was. A friend and room mate of mine used it to test our network. It bassically told us all the Ip ete info. Do you know where this page might be? I have been having trouble finding it again.
    I will only tell you about you (there person accessing the website) and gives you a list report of all your information. I can remeber the first time accessing it, all the contents of my C drive were listed. How scary was that.
  14. DaOsT

    DaOsT Regular member

    Nov 6, 2003
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    drchips when I was reading what you told Me last week some was very intresting the fact that you knew My ip address My speed and My isp provider ....unfortunately I ain't been able to post much this week due to having a bad bout of the flu ....but I was loking before over the internet to try n find software that could tell Me that and the best I found was IP2Location very good the site is and stunning at telling you were in the world an address is from you know of any software like it that tells that info??......if so would you care to tell Me what it is as I find stuff like that intresting to know .....

    if you do not wish to let on how you knew its cool I respect ppl's choices thanxs alot for your help

  15. askyew

    askyew Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    Norton firewall will give you someones ip adress, provider, location, and a provider webmaster email adress to report suspicious activity to if they scan your ports. It will do the scan from nortons website as well but only way can trace them if they scan you first so you can get an adress to trace with. I get scanned regularly when using this site.

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