Just a beginner- I find that there isn't enough room to play around with in Nero's mixer but I'm a loose cannon in Audacity... help!! editor recommendations for a newbie?
Well I still use my old copy of Cool Edit Pro 2.0. LOL, I think its been owned by Adobe for like 3 or 4 years now. I would still recommend Audacity ebcause its Open Source.
me personally I don't mess around with the kiddie stuff, I use full blown Pro Tools. But basic audio apps like Sound Forge and Adobe Audition are decent editors that can get the job done.
no, he doesn't, which is why I recommended something like audition or sound forge. Yes I've been using Pro Tools for about 6 years now, teaching it for the past 2. Best job in the world, I get to play with audio equipment all day...
Sweet. I'm don't have a good job yet (no degrees here yet ;-) ) But im going into web development and application development.
only degree I have is an AA in RTVF Audio Production. Was thinking about going for bachelors, but I've come to learn that in this business its not the degree you have, its what you know, and most importantly who you know. I started out just as in intern at WB music studios. I may quit teaching next year cause I've already gotten offers to do sound design and field recordings for a few films, so we'll see. Web development is the one aspect of computers I haven't really gotten into. I've always wanted to make a website, but it seems very confusing to me. I even got Microsoft Front Page and have never even used it.
Web pages are very very easy. Atleast HTML is. Now if U want to get into using Scripting langages then its another story. HTML though is easy, its not a programming language. I would suggest creating a geosities website so you can learn all the tricks for free! You have to do everything yourself but honestly thats the only way to really learn ang language. I also use [bold]Notetab Lite[/bold]. It kickass and free.
I already have a geocities site, for my sig pics, but never actcually created a home page there. I will look into it when I get the time, and check out note tab as well. BTW, congrats on senior status Ced!
EH!!! Well would ya look at that! Thankz Big Scoop...lol I didn't notice the status upgrade untill I read your post ! Cheers, Ced