What a nightmare of a night i have had, let me explain and perhaps somebody could show me the light. I bought my dbox2 from ebay, it came with TX Image Version 2 installed. After reading all the noob guides i attempted to flash the sportster file (Sportster-Pro_1.03_17022006_1545_S_2xI.img) it was the only image i could find. I used a crossover cable connected to my usb modem. Following the guide i disabled the other network connections, in the properties i followed "Click on the “Use the following IP address” radio button. In the IP address field, type . In the subnet mask field, type" I downloaded dbox2 image flashing assistant and pointed it at the image ect. A few OK's later and then powering up the dbox everything seemed to be proceeding correctly, i could see the assistant had succesfully pinged my dbox and various files where being transferred. So i sat and waited for my dbox to say on the lcd "complete" as the instruction said, this never happend, the assistant appeared to finish the transfers and then started again. After 3 rounds of this i decided to stop the assistant. I must add during the transfer my tv screen connected to the dbox was showing an image of the hallenberg software, all appeared well. I then searched in vane for services.xml file, no luck. I found out i could manually search for channels thru the dbox, i did this and there was an option for uk cable ect. The scan found over 200 tv channels, after the scan i browsed through them without a problem, a few were missing sky sports ect. Then i did something really stupid, in the options on the dbox i found a menu to set my location, after inputing my location my dbox went funny on me. Quite a few of the channels which i was able to view now have the key icon highlighted at the bottom of the screen and i am not able to view them. I then decided to do another scan but now the UK Cable 6886 or whatever the number was is not there, it has been replaced wit Kabel Deutschland with no option to change it to anything else. Your help would be very much appreciated, thank you.