hi, I recently started reading up on softmodding xboxes and have read a lot of different sources of information on it i have all the neccesary things aside form the memory card (i was going to use the save exploit in splinter cell) i am in a quite remote area and it is quite difficult to get hold of one so i started looking for an alternate method i have noticed people talking about using Flash fxp to transfer files to an xbox i was just wondering if it was possible to find the saves online and transfer them directly to the xbox harddrive using Flashfxp ( i currently do not have a modded xbox i do however ave a usb to xbox cable and an ethernet cable) thanks in advance
i don't think u can do it ..untill the xbox is modded, as you need a modded dash to set it up note i'm a complete noob and also have only been reading up for a couple of days i think the only way is to hotswap with your pc
I believe you have to have the exploit dash loaded FIRST before you can network to anything but XBOX live (internet)
No you have to have you box chipped ot softmodded before you can change your dash. THe whole process takes like 5 minuts. Cap
you can do the hotswap trick. and then transfer the save exploit into the xbox hard drive. that's how i did it by myself.