I got this off of http://www.hdtvinfoport.com/hdtv-buyers-guide.html "An External HDTV Receiver is needed to receive High Definition Television Signals, regardless of the source. This includes Cable, Satellite, OTA Broadcasts, and (High Definition) Digital-VHS recordings; also HD-DVD’s, when available. An HDTV Receiver is also needed to properly display DVD’s with Progressive Scan, as well as Progressive Scan and HDTV-Capable Video Games. " So does this mean I have to get a HD reciever even though I have a HD monitor that can display 1080i through DVI??
Thats is just BS! Stuff like that offends me personally. Receivers/Tunners only except digital (DTV) signal via antenna or basic cable. All other types require an external tuner which is required by the cable (ie cable box) or satalight provider. Video games have nothing to do with HDTV tuners. All you need to play HD video games in HD is an HDTV monitor. Anything else is just icing on the cake. Lets break it down... Regardless of the source? Wrong Yep. Only if the tv doesn't have a built-in ATSC tuner (which all tvs 25" and up do) Thats just crap. There are so many things wrong with this pharagraph that I feel like despencing just by physically damaging something. For me, it would have been better if this was posted in the "Safety valve" room, Ced
Sorry to post, I was really confused by this. I was pretty sure it was crap, but then again I am just getting used to all this new HDTV stuff. Thanks for replying with positive truthful news.