your mum tapes something and you want to watch it

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by porkfat, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. porkfat

    porkfat Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    If my mum tapes a show for me, and maybe I live in a different country to my mum (not being a very young person any more I seem to have got a job etc), what can I do about seeing the stuff on the tape? I can visit her & watch it, of course. But, can she post me the "tape" is that OK legally speaking? Could she stick it on a disc and send it (assuming she knows how)? If she taped it anyway, could I just download it and save on the postage? Or what? She tapes all kinds of stuff. So do I.
  2. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    USPS........... media mail ! and maybe they'd send it to you. or maybe, assuming you/her have the know how, a dvd would work !!

    this is by far, one of the weirdest questions i have ever seen to date!

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