Your Suggestions to help me pick the right phone

Discussion in 'Motorola phones' started by DJchemist, Dec 6, 2007.

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  1. DJchemist

    DJchemist Regular member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    So... im stuck with Bell Mobility at the moment (yes in Canada)
    and i REALLY need a new phone...i baught the Katana (SCP-6600) and..
    i did little or no research on the phone and realized it was USLESS after i baught itt...just a stupid RAZR knockoff..

    Im deciding between a few phones atm...
    Motorola Q

    im really liking the Motorola Q... because its not just a "phone"
    anyone got good opinions of it?
    is there alot that i can do with the phone? like..lets say
    GPS... worldwide web hacking... stuff like that
    lol im kidding but still
    is there lots that can be unlocked...and is there lots i can do?
    like lets say..take pictures.. photos.. MP3's (not that i care i got a mp3 player anyways) but can i add a MICROsd card to'er?

    just some user friendly imput from the AD members would be nice
    you ppl have helped me i look forward to some good opinions

    -DJ The Chemist
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