You're xbox needs service

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Terraflux, Nov 23, 2005.

  1. Terraflux

    Terraflux Member

    Aug 2, 2004
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    I'm trying to softmod my xbox and I get an error message in many languages that says "Your Xbox requires service". Is there anything that will work for softmodding, what should I do?
  2. bury070

    bury070 Guest

    Hey i had the same problem with my modded xbox i just tightend the bolt down a little and it works fine now.
  3. philmccan

    philmccan Guest

    hey terra, how about a little more info , what softmod are you using , what error number do you see on the screen ?
  4. BigHeadmc

    BigHeadmc Member

    Nov 19, 2005
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    i got the same thing i think it was error 21 and i was using unleashed x but it was in dutch or something
  5. philmccan

    philmccan Guest

    Ok if you still have use of the dvd player (ie load games) and the softmod game saves are still on the harddrive , just reinstall the softmod from the start. If and when you get your box up and running make a back up on to your computer. and use xbox hdm to save the info to disk. If you need a tut on that let me know good luck !

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