I got a new micro sd, went from 1 gb to 2 gb. However, i had Ysmenu on the ds rather than the reg r4 firmware. So as you could imagine, simply transferring the files won't work, i had to compile everything again, then i transferred all of my games. Most of them seem to work fine, however, my yugioh 2009 game got messed up. The game loads up fine, i can go to my save file. However, if i ever start a dual, as soon as a card is activated, game freezes. Also, whenever i go to the deck modifying page thing, game freezes. Anyways, can anyone help me out? I put this on gbatemp.com as well, someone there said to try and make a new save file with no cheats on, i tried that and nothing changed. So ya, new ideas would be appreciated, thanks to all that help.
ok, i got it fixed, i redownloaded the game file. I dunno why it worked, possibly it got corrupted when i tried copying and pasting but i'm not sure.