I would like to state that Zappp64 was not the target of my previous message. He is a fantastic character. There is much about him that you do not know.I will not betray his confidence but suffice it to say that Zappp64 has not had an easy life, yet his willingness to help others is an example to us all. I just hope that I can find a husband who shares even 20% of this amazing man's characteristics. ZBox has found me a lifelong friend, so even if the box doesn't work, that can never be taken away from me
Hi There If Zappp was not the target then who was?I think you should stop posting cryptic messages and say exactly what you think ,after all that is what forum is about.When are you going to explain your previous thread about loosing channels on the 1st march because i'm sure that you have got a lot of people mildly woried. Chaggy.
http://allyours.virginmedia.com/fairplay/index.html for more info, basically sky are being wankers by increasing cost of virgin media to show channel on digital cable and virgin media aint playing ball with them..
Sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick but you can see that's what cryptic messages can sometimes do because I did'nt see that article about Branston pickle but thanks for pointing it out. Regards Chaggy
Yeah i think sky has charged virgin media double bubble for them sky channels and sky new that virgin would not take that offer to steel there customers , but if virgin does not take the offer its the customers what will lose out, i mean what now you need sky and ntl to have all the channels heh.