I've been hearing it has some sort of new copy protection... Not surprising as it's such a popular series, but it will be cracked for the same reason.
Yeh, they seem to have said that for the jap version too, but it got cracked pretty sharpish. Hopefully more of the same with the US version...
the rumor that it has copy protection is just that.. a rumor. It hasn't been confirmed and people are just passing it on because the dump hasn't been released yet and people can't wait. It will come but don't spread unconfirmed rumors.
I downloaded the jap one thinking it was the american, worked perfect for m3 lite, didnt seem to have a copy protection, if i play the ntsc u one then switch over to pal when i comes out can i still use the ntsc u save file for my pal one?
I'm just repeating what I heard, I didn't say that it did, I said I heard that it did. And to the last poster: you may be able to, some games work with the other region's save while others don't, we'll just have to wait and see.
ok. its dumped. 1456 - The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hour... (512Mbit) (CNBS) http://www.ds-scene.net/?s=viewtopic&nid=4234
Just tested and works on my G6 DS Real 8G, but needs soft-reset disabled. Also works on my M3 DS Simply (w/ 1GB Japan Kingston) Works on my Fire Card DS 8G, had to manually set the save type to Flash 4M Couldn't get it to work on my EZFlash V, tried all the save settings and it kept corrupting, could be something I did wrong though. Havn't tried hybrid mode
tried now but doesnt work on my m3 simply with 2gb sandisk microsd. i get a message that says could not read data when trying to start the game. does anyone know what to do? can i somehow upgrade my m3simply to get it to work?
You might not have the latest firmware, you can download the most recent firmware from http://www.m3adapter.com or here
Remember to turn soft reset off on your M3DS Simply to get it to run. It's the little circle icon at the top right part of the touch screen that turns green/red when you press your right trigger. Make sure it's RED.
zelda not working for m3 lite, i have disabled software reset and used 1x dma and force r/w, it doesnt work, weird because the jap one worked...Btw i do have loader 34a