Zippy+New synopsis

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by ZippyDSM, Feb 10, 2009.

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  1. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I have a new synopsis for you all, been refining it a bit more. I suck at words so ti takes me awhile to translate what the muses give me and then translate that from zippy speak to engrish. LOL
    Yes I do realize my skillz rival that of a hax but as far as I care we are all only do gifted so I am working with what I got while I learn/re learn about words, meanings and grammar as I bang together words with rocks and TNT.

    This is the 4th synopsis I have tried to write out and probably the most compact as I have learned I like to ramble in TMI mode.

    What is Chronicles of the Lord of Power?
    What is COTLOP well let's start at the start of the universe light creation itself was born from nothingness born from the nightmares of darkness itself. Darkness is not chaos but utter despair from the sorrow hope brings it is the end where as light is the beginning. Within this new universe Lightness was fruitful and scattered life and wisdom out. When Darkness arose from its slumber it wonder why it had such terrifying dreams of creation, it sought out Lightness and they fought destroying everything around them sending everything back to basic forms of matter and energy. After a few more fistdecuffs they realized they cannot win in a direct battle as they are complete equals so decided to raise vast armies and evolve warriors to battle for them.
    When the balance shatters and one side gains so much power as so the other can never win that's when everything will return to darkness, or so it's said that balance has never been broken even when the first age of war of creation ended. Called the birth war, first breath wart or still borns war in darker parts of existence, even as the new age matures into the war of creation a new age is about to begin one of lawlessness one of of hope and despair.
    The factions within this universe are of light and darkness, Light's forces are bureaucratic and stern focusing more on "gardening" creation in its entirety while defending what they can against darkness. Dark Forces are casts of mostly honor bound warriors, those who have lost hope and seek the peace that despair brings for those of darkness only see suffering in hope and wish to bring an end to creation and return all to the peace and harmony of the void.

    The story revolves around a human chosen to be another pawn in the war of creation but unlike the others before him he is path is less certain as his power his mere existence disturbs the placation of the light and the veracity of the dark.
    Sent to a trail word he manages to save it from complete destruction only after undoing the harm darkness done and it's this altering of reality this near absolute and corruptive power that will haunt him throughout his adventures. He overcomes his curse but too late to be cursed by it.
    Feared and hated he leaves the cold comfort of the light to wander existence heeding the call for help no matter who calls out in the endless night of space, time and dimension.......

    Now with this I have enough plot points for 3-6 books I am still adding adjusting and figuring out what goes where, this is pretty much a project I am doing because I am damned to create and I have had these stories with this character in my head for 20 odd years.
    This book project is a hobby that with general self taught creative writing is getting me to understand how I compeered words and how they come out of me, learning disabilities can be fun but the muses of creativity are more potent and harsh.

    I also muse on other things but not to deeply as I tend to be filled with creativty for a few hours or a day as I try and figure out this dream or story that wont let me go.

    I call them lite drafts some can involve game setups.
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