ZIppys crappy life.(Off of Buying a PS3 could cure cancer)

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by ZippyDSM, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I am posting this hear so that it wont drag that thread more out of topic then it already is.
    I'll be happy to edit or change anyhtign it ods find it not right(sorry 26 hour caffne high ending and words are failing either need sleep or more caffine and I am runnign out of CAFFINNEEEEE LOL).

    kinda dry aroudn that was condemed we got moved into a roach motel then public houseing "opened" up 3 months in she passed then 9 months later in decmber of 05 dad died of OCOPD that lung and water retention thing.....I am lucky I get out out of bed soemdays 0-o been burning my emotions on anime for the past year or so...kinda hit a hard spot becuse the apartment was 200+ a month I beed "shiped" over to lvie with my grandmother and her sis not to bad here my uncel and his wife live not to far from her and hell thier family all around and hell thats not even the half of it familys (as in ME MOM DAD) been thru rough time thanks to the oh so helpfull city of red bank st doing our "job" and HUD lookign the other way when the sewer backed up in our new house we put 15G in when it was the cities builder that tied us in to the nighbore....I can go on but why bore you >> anyway I am now in a diffrance palce than I was a year ago than I was a year befor....dailup is annoying me to know end without alot of games and aniem to burn my feelings on I get a bit tried and depressed and shit....I dont want to kill a months worth of moeny on fing Sat DSL..but dailup is killign me >< well life is killing me to but I m kinda use to that 0-o am 30 and learnign disabled had a shit time at shcool nearouve break down n the 6th grade home shcooling to helping at at home in the alter 90's yada yada yada house buring down yada....mmm mabye I should a new thread ><
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2006
  2. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Do you mean Pulminary Hypertension? I once had it.(Last year actually), But I had the secondary which can be fixed. Primary you usually have to get a lung transplant. Instead I had a heart Transplant.

    I'm sorry that your parents died, must of been really hard especially if your still young. I hope its awhile till mine do. Again really sorry.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2006
  3. s3a

    s3a Guest

    Did you get to say bye and tell her that you loved her before she died?! DO NOT DRINK TOO MUCH COFEE!! I wouldnt even recommend the slighest sip but, I don't think anyone would stop cofee, 100%! Anyway, try to rid of your sadness by hugging your dad or other member of family that is close to you! If you got to tell her that you loved her and stuff before she died, it will be much easier to fill your hole.

    Your dad is dead too?!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2006
  4. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    wait am I confeuing thigns again frist off he started retainign alot of fliuds was not sure if it was heart or lungs its all kinda haze when he went into the ER it was a normal epasode of soemthign or another has had so many little thigns wrong with him plus herainas from bad gall blader operation in 97 he went into intensive care and stayed there untill he was moved to a "nurseing" hospital...been thru soemthign like that with mom I started to faze out alot then but his lungs couldnt draw in oxygen no matter what they tired he was dmuped from tenncare in 03 a few month into getting his meds anyway we could lead to lights going out lead to gas for power lead to skiping roof repair lead to hosue condemion in late 04 shit house of 20 years burn down in 96 we give insurance moeny to city and hud they fck us over by not insctipecting the builder the sewer baks up the inacerane we paied 600 to so far wont cover 2 years into sueing got us no where we tried to refinace but the laon was alittle over half fianly we lose that hosue and are staying in grandmaws house in the city she pretty much moved to her sis's in 95 or 20 only a city away moms family is split between a raul and a burps if you will her house was in ok but in need of lite repais I broke one aliumin latter trying to get to the roof mom didnt want me to hurt myself ect,ect,ect

    anyway I am comeing down from a 26 hour caffine high and posting off topics all over the fng palce *L*
    oh well Ineed soem sleep....I'll coem back and proof this when I am awake.
  5. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I dont like coffe,good brewed coffe is best for you tho despite the high caffine count the anti oxydaints are helpfull,I am a soda fiend not a fan of Booze altho I could coolers..I am more happy with 2 12 packs of coke than 1 8 pack of mikes hard or whatever 0-o
    besides at 270ish LB it tkaes at least 2 8 packs to get buzzy.. and I cant afford buzzy *L*

    No she was in bad shape so they desied to haul her off to the nurseing care hospital...lke they actulty tried to feed gives me a headache thinking about it setting food in front of her knowing she cant eat.....I cant drive and didnt have the money to shuffle between them 30 a ride adds up,friends can help only so much.
    she kinda faded away mentaly at elast she didnt "know" what was goign on near the end....wish I was there to tell dad goodbye tho...if they have a beef they can it up with me when I get there in 20 or 40 years :3

    if anythign they tought me humor is strnght ^^

    and yes my dad passed that year as well,he was trucking along pretty god but his was heart borken.....I swear if tenncare had not droped him he'd have been going another 5 or 10 years...
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2006
  6. s3a

    s3a Guest

    Good nigh zippy, you have to take charge of your life. Don't let your life get f***ed up!! Call, a doctor or something. Read books that will strengthen you mentally! If you grieve, just grieve, don't drink lots of alcohol or anything like that. Think about what your parents would want for you!! Honour them!
  7. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    grife coems in stages and anime and games help burns it off ^^

    it also it ncie to burry myself in anime and life and cry with the charatcer to bring out any bottled up emotions ^^

    I ave not tried to kill myself in a decade and thats when I was on meds *L* tenncare is so fucked up I am lucky to get anti depresssants but not the anti anxity meds to help calm you from the anxity energy they give you 0_o

    Not only dose humor give strenght mom was a advocate for learnign disabled and delt with alot of metal desiges a smart cookie to say the least ^^
    as smart as her I am not but soem fo that knoweagle I ahve plus I can surf when not downloading so things are manageable,with out the net I probly be in worse shape *L*
    anyway I need sleep *yawns*
    slept half of yesterday becuse I had a hive oubreak and was takeing bendryl.
  8. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    honoring them is tricky and so is rmember them right now I start to think of thigns I should ahve done and well....blah I do not let meself go there 0-o

    honoring them by makeing soemthign of myself I think I can do however I be take time to do anyhtign..tiem and moeny >< blah healing and mental stableity come frist..... ged collage all that coems later.
  9. s3a

    s3a Guest

    You must have a true friend or family member that could help you emotionally!! I would glady help, if you lived where I do!! But unfortunately those are not the circumstances! You cannot trust yourself (in a way) until you are completely finished grieving!

    Talk to you later!
  10. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Guest

    Life can be a total b*tch I guarantee you that at the worst, and a halfway decent life at the best. It seems no matter how much $$ someone has, or how good they look, they are never satisfied. Are we ever satisfied with what we have? I don't think so...
    So live for the moment, to make this moment right now, today worth something. Because things could suddenly change & you'll regret not doing the things you wanted to do while you were 'young'.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2006
  11. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Zippy de do dah....sent you a PM quite a while ago. How are you you buddy; you doing o.k.?
  12. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Just got Halo 2 been palying it some I am soooo pissed they didnt bother to put full bunnot mapping in the game then they have the nerve not to have auto aim as a "option" I love arrogant devs >>
    its a fcking FPS console or not these are must have options you you dont have them in the game you sux...
  13. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    zippy your sig pic is over 50kb
  14. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    your going to needle me for a lousy 5KB arent you *yawns*
  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    yup, 'fraid so...
  16. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    this is the p[art of ye sig that gets to me,it should be slowed down..

    3. If you use an animated picture in the signature, it should not be too distractive. Eg. blinking images or images with quick movement are not allowed.
  17. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I was noticing that,but tis down till I can shave another 5.56KB off it commands from teh creaky,I'll up the frame tiem to 200 and 280 see if that works better....subject matter is a bit off I was going for smart and funny but wound up lame and gay :p

    blah ><
  18. Wooly06

    Wooly06 Member

    May 28, 2006
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    Sorry to hear of your losses Zippy. I hope you get a PS3 soon, and don't have to wait like so many others will.
  19. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    but I hate the PS3 :p

  20. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Last edited: Nov 15, 2006

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