Recently I noticed I can only view gifs as a still imgage. If I shut down my zone alarm firewall they show as animated again, so I think it must be some setting in zone alarm but I can't find anything. Can anyone help me out?
It is not all .GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) images that are animated -- The Gif format is used extensively all over the web for still images ; it is in use since rougly 1985, was engineered by Compuserve and has only a 256 colors capacity ; it is being replaced by knowledgeable web builders by the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) -- an unrestricted format. The GIF can be an animated image after a series of frames are embedded one after the other in one and only package -- the first one then the others in turn are displayed depending on the rate the author has given them.... hence creating motion. If you think your Zonalarm is causing the problem -- !! maybe try to re-install it - after it has been removed from your PC. Granted many pieces of software you get from the web will upon installation change things around and affect some of the programs you may have already installed. Your ZoneAlarm may have been corrupted by such software. Edited for a Typo !