Hi. I am in desperate need of assistance. I have been using Zone Alarm Pro for some time now and I have not encountered any problems until now. In a normal situation when you shutdown Zone Labs Security, you would expect the thing to take a few moments and then shutdown, then after a few seconds windows security center will pop up saying "your computer is at risk, firewall not detected" it will say something close to that. The Problem with me at the moment is that when I shutdown Zone Alarm it takes forever to do so and when it finaly does my computer freezes for like some time, no windows alert comes up (by the way I have disabled windows firewall because I use ZA) the main problem though is that I cannot shutdown my computer, it will say "You do not have appropiate permission to shutdown this computer" another thing is i cannot acces or load up anything no programs, i cannot even load windows explorer, every time i try it will say "Could not open program not enough free memory, please quit one or more programs" and I dont even have any programs running. And this all happens after shutting down ZApro. I have tried reinstalling ZA but I can't do that even because to reinstall requires the ZA security center being shutdown and that causes the whole computer to crash. Please help me, thank you and kind regards, BluRay.
Completely uninstall it and its registry entries then reinstall it if that dose not help then you need to upgrade it.
have you tried updating or not updating? Have you used any other firewall program? Z A dose not like to share or play with others.
Just wanted to say I even tho I bought a copy of tend micro PC chillin 7 or 8 months back I ty another programs now and then ^^ there was a odd bug with PC cillin and ZA it killed the net *L* if you are crashing and reisntalling and blocking windose firewall for starting then go into task manager and remove all user tasks but ZA you anti virus and explore.exe then surf or soemthign and try and make it crash it might be a odd bug soemwhere,sorry if I am not the ebst of help ><
Don't we all..but I need it for non hardware reasons 0-o anyway have you tried just not useing it and seeing it the system is still stable?
i'm not using it now, and my system is super fast efficent and stable. when using it crashes or freezes
Go to Program Control and turn of Program Control and SmartDefence Advisor then shut down ZA...maybe.
I use network assosisate's virus scan enterprise. I have recently found out that others have been experiencing the same problem, it is a compatibility issue with ZA 6.5 and Windows SP2 i have to work without a firewall for now, I realy hope they get this bug fixed.
Hi BluRay, The people at the ZA forums can aid you better than us: http://forums.zonelabs.com/zonelabs If its a conflct issue rest assured that it will be fixed within a update, I am still waiting on kerio to fix my bug w/ there firewall that caused BSoD hell !! So, I can survive on XP firewall for a week or so, if it p's me off I'll just install ZA free temparally, I suggest since your sitation is similer to mine, you should do the same, or maybe even try somthing different.
thnx Rav. I already posted a message at the ZA forums and it seems that many have been having the same problem since the 6.5 update.