Just bought a 30gig video pod, personally I feel that Zune is just a knock off of an I-pod! Isn't that dude Gates rich enough?
You cannot directly compare the two. That is all. Its like comparing an xbox360 to a ps3 all you end up with is fanboy bullshit. It depends on your tastes
I think the only way to know which one is better is by yourself putting down the postives of both players and putting what you want to get out of the device and the things it can do and then make your choice. Don't make a choice on emotion cause you wont be happy with the result. I personally got it because I knew how to use it and i knew that i did not have any issues with file formats and all that kinda stuff. For me I like the feature of the Video play. But i don't use my Ipod as much as i would like to cause i only use it when i go away for a holiday or if i want to wind down and I'm not near my place or anywhere with good music. One thing I would like to see on the Ipod as a feature would be the ability to delete a file from the device it self not from the connection to the computer to the Itunes program. See if that comes into your equation.
o okay, cool ty, i will do some homework and see which one appeals more to my needs. I personally like how the zune transfers songs, but if somebody starts walking away, doesnt the transfer cancel? Can somebody that has tell me there opinion on transfering songs?
I would definately go for the iPod. I like the iPod for, not only the feautres and what it does, but for the look of it too. The look of the Zune doesn't appeal to me.
just recently got an 80Gig iPod Video... it does its job for an mp3 player... the video part i haven't tried, but im planning on getting a cable that would be able to connect my iPod to my tv so I would be able to watch my movies on a larger screen... pizz
Neither I would get a JetAudio Multimedia Player Model http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16855603835 It plays nearly every file type sparing alot of time