Thanks for the link O Fiendish One, Wielder of the Mighty STI I've dealt with Lex quite a bit and had hoped he'd mended his ways. Lex is lucky he's just getting sued. If someone bilked me out of $324 the last I'd see of him/her would be through a Burris 3-10X Fullfield II.
HEADSHOT ! *sorry, i couldn't resist* Btw neph, i sold the STI, got my hands on this beauty : CLICK! Can't keep it at home, but hey, it's a nice toy for the range... :-D
you said "STI" and i immediately thought "subaru" and drooled. darn you all and your superior weapons technology misleading me!
Eagle STI : Mine was more like this : Links in case the pics bite the dust : And of course, mine was weighted down, the trigger pull was adjusted, the ugly purple grip and trigger guard where replaced by an acid green one, and i had a custom made scope *local gunsmith is a f***ing genius*. I loved it, then used it... and gave in to my H&K cravings for that PSG1. Cost me a bit, but def. worth it.
Good Lord that PSG1 makes me tingle in all the right places. As much as I like the scoob STI I'd take the PSG1 in a heartbeat - I loves my Dakota too much to give it up for another girl anyway What sort of groups do you get Dan? What sort of loads do you use? Do you handload for this one or does the local guy make those for you too? What kind of glass do you have on her?
The owner of the range special orders the ammo, since 7,62 mm x 51 isn't meant for civilians in europe. *damn wimps* I wish i could reload these myself, but alas, i don't have the stuff or the permits for the powder i'd need yet. Maybe once i get my Pyrotechician's license they'll be less strict. As for scope, the standard scope that came with it is on there ATM, i'm having the gunsmith make me a new custom one once i have some money again.
fiend, stop spending the money than you will have the money. noticed j_bone got a suspension, not by me.
it was me, he's begging for money in his shoutbox. someone please put the bugger (J_Bone) on eBay as a 'buy-it-now, no returns' or somewhere away from any form of technology
Spank the parents, discipline the kid *military school, with me as the drill seargent*, and have the school explain WTF is up with them not doing a good job of educating these moronic runts either.
Me Ass is the name of the drill sergeant? that's frickin' awesome. i wish my parents had named me "Me Ass.."...maybe i'll change it.
damn you furry, you got me before i had a chance to correct it ! *hangs head in shame, walks over to the shooting range, and picks up an MP5K to relieve some stress*
i already graduated, first in my class. you should be offering me a teaching position, not threatening me XD