I've got a question about the R4 as well? I bought one, and I'm waiting for it to come, and I just read off of the R4DS website, that you don't have to get a different firmware or anything to use it! Well, will it still work if you have a DS that has a different firmware? I used to have the M3 DS Lite thing, and you had to install a different firmware, and that broke, so I still have that hacked firmware on it! So, I just wanted to know if the R4 will still work on my DS? Thanks!
R4 will work with flashme'd DS lites. I suggest you update your firmware to flashme v8.2 when you get your R4. 8.2 supports flashing/recovering from slot 1 devices.
The R4 doesn't need any sort of modification, flashing or anything else. I let my sister borrow mine for a couple of days on a different DS. It's kinda like Swap Magic or HD Loader in that it does nothing to the system whatsoever, so it can't void warranties, etc. Unlike Swap Magic or HD Loader though, you CAN take the games with the R4 online, and even single-cart and multi-cart multiplayer (ad-hoc) works.
I understand that, but my DS Lite was already flashed, and I just want to know if the R4 will work with the DS?