Well, I've been trying a couple of different programs but I don't just want to capture the "live" radio station type streams. I would like to be able to capture and eventually burn to CD songs from sites like this one, http://www.choiceradio.com/index_np.cfm You can skip ahead, back, fforward, and reverse. Basically like you have a CD in your drive. With this kind of radio station, I can skip around until I hear something I want and then capture it. Anybody have any suggestions on what I need to do? Also, I downloaded winamp (free version) and would like to capture songs from the "Winamp Music" section, the individual songs. Does only the pay version of winamp allow that feature?
I should have referred back to the previous posts. I guess that's what Streamripper is for isn't it? So will it only capture the "live" radio broadcast type streams or can it capture the individual tracks like I mentioned before?
A website dl link for what? The pay version of Winamp? I would like to stick to the "free" stuff if possible ;-). I guess the problem I'm having w/ the non-live streams is that the live one's you use the url of the site to capture it while it's playing. I could be wrong, but the other sites don't seem to work like that so I'm just not sure how to capture those individual tracks. Would I need to use one of those programs that says it captures any sound that comes through your soundcard/speakers?
no I was talking about the plugin for winamp, streamripper http://streamripper.sourceforge.net/ I don't know quite how the non-like streams work (honestly never heard of them before) but I've always been able to capture any audio stream with streamripper. yes stick with free version of winamp, pay version is stupid and a rip off.
I guess a better example of what I mean would be like the 25 free song plays you can get from www.rhapsody.com/freemusic I would like to be able to capture them and burn them. I wasn't sure if the "url thing" worked with a site like that since the free tracks aren't live streaming. A quick question, does "streaming" mean [bold]any[/bold] audio/video that plays back on a media player or is it only those stations that are more like actual radio where you can't skip songs or fast forward, etc. I guess that's where I'm getting most confused on this topic.
yeah sound like what you are after isn't streaming. you are correct, streaming means a continuous audio stream that can't be forwarded or reversed. I don't think stream capturers will work, but you can always try. another program that captures all types of streams is net transport.
Thanks again, I'll give that a try. Kind of funny...it seems that this post has gone in one big circle and come back to where we started it...talking about net transport ! I'll look more closely into that one this time.
Im glad you liked rhapsody, I havent tried napster, but I have tried itunes & yahoos music service, I wasn't that impressed because the standard file bitrate seems to be only 128 kbs, when rhapsody has 360kbs files which is why I even started using the service in the first place.
I just started capturing the stream on shoutcast, but when I checked on the individual captures, the first few seconds of each song was missing... any idea on what is wrong with my settings? The stream doesn't stop, either. I was listening to it while it was being captured. I have the streamripper program. 1.16.14 Please advise. Thanks!