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Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by dellsuck, Sep 19, 2005.

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  1. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    thats the best advice yet! or better yet, grow the best dope around and then everyone will love you! or if all else fails just blow something up.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    yourself & nobody else!!
  3. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    where can you get a dope? I want some. LOL
  4. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    F U.
    I wish i can make friends that's not in my school but where? In my town there's nothing you can do. Even you have friends there's nothing to do here.
  5. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    what's this "F U" crap at Bruce? he's right; you do need to seek some actual help, or at least a good talk, from someone off-line. this is not the best place to come seeking counsel in matters of emotion, mental stability, or anything along those lines. this is, over all, a tech forum.
  6. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    i agree with auslander, this is a tech forum not an emotional counseling service.
  7. hogan

    hogan Regular member

    Mar 8, 2004
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    After your response to GrandpaBW was F.U, I see why you have no friends. He was concerned and was trying to help. If that is how you treat everyone at school and those around you, you WILL never have friends. And you will remain the looser they say you are.
  8. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    check his Meaning of Life thread...if he doesn't straighten up soon, i think he'll be banned.
  9. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    yeah, enough of the pity party bullshit, no one likes you, so what. that should help you figure out that maybe it's just you! everyone else cant be wrong. and with the attitude you show here, no wonder.
  10. Rikoshay

    Rikoshay Regular member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    You know, after hearing all the bullcrap that most of you had to say, I'm really pissed at money-hungry, self-centered, non-sensical assholes! Even if this isn't the site to do it, don't you think it should be considered, "hey, this guys in trouble. Maybe I can help." Nope. You just gave him advice that he really doesn't want to hear right now, and it's not going to help him down the road. Look guy, if I've learned anything, it's that you can't rely on anyone. I will admit that friends are important, but in the end, there a real pain in the ass when you get to see how truely evil or stupid they are! Just say "F*ck it!" to things that don't work out, because life is soooo full of dissapointments, but you gotta stick through with, because that'll make you a better person, and people might look up to that. Don't lie to yourself.
    Just be who you are. I was in your position once; I had no friends, I was ignored by many, my teachers probably hated me, I sure as hell know my mom hates me, and I had no real hopes of graduating. I did find a few people who let me hang around with them at lunch, but most of them turned out to be real dicks, but I tried to keep friendly by just throwing a tennis ball with them at lunch. It wasn't much, but they at least let me hang out with them.
    Teachers are always going to hate kids, and kids themselves don't help the damn situation. Just do the work, ignore what the other losers say, and go with it.
    As for parents, well, they suck, and there's not much else you can do about that. Fortunatly, I only have my mom to worry about, so I can get away with some things, but not all the time.
    As for doing something, f*ck it. You're doing something right now, talking to all of us? Just find someone who you can relate to and see if you can do something with it. I'm telling you right now though, what I just said is crap! Not the whole thing, just the "get with someone like you" part. I didn't have anyone to go to, but my room for 46 days straight in 9th. I was forced back into school because I would have had criminal charges on me if I didn't, but I did the same Sh*t in 10th for a while.
    Don't worry about what other people say, because they're probably just insecure themselves and have retarded, abusive parents them damn selves!
    Just be a good person, and someone will help you out.
    Let me ask you one more thing...
    Have you ever lived inside your car? I did, numurous times. You know what that tought me? It tought me to appreciate what I already have, and look forward to what I'll get in the future. I'm f*ckin' happy just having the Internet!
    How about getting into some good music? Not cRap, or Retarded-whiney ska or some shit, but music that has some meaning other than getting bitches or hating life. Some dark rock and rap is good, okay, but for the rest of this main-stream garbage, people need to wake up to that sh*t! Look, I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life, I'm just sayin' that you should think of other things that you can look forward to that make you happy.
    And then, when someone tells you something like, "You're stupid," or some stupid sh*t, you know that that kid is just as f*cked up, and you can look passed that, and think, "Who the f*ck cares!"

    P.S.: If you reject what I told you, whatever, you're entitled to your own opinion.
    If this chick that your trying to get with is too popular to actually talk to you, then F*ck her! You don't need to have someone who's gonna be worried about her image all the damn time, it gets old, fast. Look, don't start no superficial relationship unless you're really ready. They tend to just dissapoint you when they don't work out. If you don't feel like you're ready for rejection, then don't set yourself up.
    Go with someone who would actually talk to you in public, and if this is that type of girl, try to find a way to talk to her alone. Just be who you are, and if she doesn't like that, then whatever.
    You can't expect to be perfect, and you can't expect to win every battle, it's just how humans are. Don't sweat it though, you'll find someone, someday. Maybe this is a sign that she might not be the one, you know?
    I have another thing to say: don't be concided. That gives a reason for people to call you an bumhole, but I know your not dumb. Hell, I know people who can't even turn on a f*ckin' computer, let alone know anything about life! Just take it all in stride, because you know that you'll be able to live longer, happier, and healtier than all of them. Live to your potential, not to what others say to you.
    Also, Wtf are you referencing your life to the New Testament for? You know what that did for me: Nothing! I'm Catholic, but I don't go to church, and I don't pray but when I'm around my mom. Those are just stories that your "supposed" to live by, but if you can't interpret what it's saying, what good is it? Do you know what really caused the downfall of mankind? Duh, it's knowledge! Knowledge is both our blessing, and our sin. Everyone is miserable because we have to live under some unseen agenda that controls our lives. All you can really do to balance your life is to be a good person to anyone and everyone. And if you do believe that you will go to Heaven, then, if you stand up for yourself, but you do get jumped or whatever, at least you know that you are living up to what your capable of, and that way, God will know that you lived a good life, and you will go there, when you time comes.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2005
  11. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    this looks like it may be one of those all out bitching contests. i'd really like to see this one closed out before it gets worse.

    and for dellsuck............. dude, grow up, make something out of yourself, basically, shit, or get off the pot. the sooner you realize this, and accomplish things, the better off you will be. but if you stay stuck in your ways, like as i have read so far, then you will end up being one of those nut jobs i see on the 10 o'clock news, pistol in hand, robbing old ladies or some dumb crap like that.
    grow up, not everyone hates you, and the more you say that to yourself, the more you believe it. and if you continue to say rude remarks to the ones in here who have helped you or given advice from, then they will hate you too and you can add a few other dozen or so whom you have [bold]never even had the pleasure to meet[/bold] to your growing list of people who hate you.

    i rest my case
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    2nd that!! sounds like another brite/brightman to me!
  13. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    good idea
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