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Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Tinker1, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. Lastdrgn

    Lastdrgn Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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  2. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    If you had a gander at the link you would have seen that "MOBO" was your motherboard!
    @ kinza, I always wondered if higher rated mem would work on my mobo. Although, there is little point is there as it would only work at the mobo speed? It gives you a greater selection, which is an advantage!
    Not sure of the differences of the AMDs, I just look at cache & clock speed to make my decision. Any of those cards would be OK for your system. I would go for an Nvidia chip, not the ATi, just a personal preference.
    What is the PC for?
  3. Lastdrgn

    Lastdrgn Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    o non o i know what mobo is i was just wondering what card you were refering to. Any suggestions on the video cards i posted earlier?
  4. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    I would get the MSI 6600 GT, it'll match well with your mobo. Don't get the ATI, it doesn't look like a competitive card. I think Pulsar meant the video card overclocking capabilities. Winchester core for the CPU allows more stable overclocking as well as more overclocking capabilities.

    @pulsar,i've always wondered if the enhanced mamory is compatible with mobos too, i guess it is if you look at the reviews.
  5. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    And AMD is far more overclockable than any Intel DRM Piece of S. I have a AMD 64 3200 (2.5Ghz) which can be clock at AMD 64 4200 speed (I think it is 3Ghz but not sure)Provided you have adequate cooling. You will not be able to overclock a P-4 anything from 3.2Ghz to 4.2Ghz without having lockup problems. You will find that P-4 Mobos do not have much to change as far as overclocking. That means you can do it but not by much. AMD Mobos have many overclock options and will allow you to clock at outrageous speeds that the processor probably couldn't handle.

    MSI is a good brand though. You will notice 4 memory banks split in two columns and two different colors. MSI for P-4 or AMD make sure you refer to the manual for memory placement. It dose matter if you chose to use dual channel. Not I'm going to pick at another company I dislike. VIA is a very picky pain in the ass chip set. For Intel why would you want a VIA chip set. Do you think they can really know an Intel chip better than an Intel chip set. I dislike VIA and refuse to buy anything with them on it (if possible) If their chip is controlling a non important part of the board I will let it slide. I have Nforce 3 (4came out 2 moths later) but I do not think Nvidia makes chip sets for Intel.

    You may be wondering why AMD is better at games. Well it goes something like this. A P-4 talks to a north bridge (depending on your chip set is how fast this will be). This bridge talks with the memory and the AGP. That connects to a south bridge which controls the PCI and other components. ( I may be missing something so please correct me if I am wrong.)

    AMD is set up something like this. There is no North bridge. The processor directly talks with the memory and the AGP. Then there is a south bridge for the rest of the stuff. That's why when you look at an AMD mobo you notice a few chips missing when compared to an Intel mobo. This is also why latency timing is lower. There are other major differences but I will leave you with this one. Damn my second listed computer is faster than my trashed P-4 3.02Ghz

    So you see it is more than GHZ which really don't matter anyway. Its all in how things are setup and the Chip set controlling stuff.

    Enjoy your upcoming DRM horror stories.
  6. Lastdrgn

    Lastdrgn Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Well i plan to only OC the CPU and maybe the mem. Is it possilbe to only overclock those? I'm a newb at overclocking (i think you guys got that already).
  7. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    yeah it is possible to oc only the cpu and memory
  8. techguy26

    techguy26 Regular member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    mr del you mentioned that nvidia doesn't make chipset's for intel, well they do now! and they are awesome! in sli flavors of course. and by the way I have a via k8t800 pro chipset with amd 3800 and my games and app's are butter smooth so why hate on via? there are as many issues with nforce chipsets as they are with via, just check out forums.nvidia.com and see the problems many face with nforce chipsets and 6800gt's and 6800 ultra's not that i'm pro via it's just what I have atm and it's not all bad but you are right for intel go intel chipset unless you want sli.
  9. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Well techguy I have know VIA since Cyrix was around ( I know I brought back memories. Terrible chip) Anyway then VIA was OK, you did not need to 4 in 1 it every time you put an update on Windows. Now days you have to 4 in 1 the thing just about every Windows update you put in. If you forget then problems start to happen. I had many VIA boards in the past. Every one of them had lock up issues even if the current 4 in 1 was installed. Mainly they had problems with the Miniport controllers. Every time I accessed a card in PCI the computer would slow down and eventually lock up. I know there could have been many factors why this was happening but they all had one thing in common. They all had a VIA chip set. So of course you would assume the problem was with VIA.

    It was not just me. I get a phone from a customer complaining about random lockups. When I get on sight they either had a Cyrix (long ago) or a VIA chip set. It never failed. I switch the MOBO with something other than VIA and their problems are solved. I gave up on VIA 4 years ago and based on the track record I witnessed I will never have faith in them. You should not have to update you Chip set drivers every 3 months (as it seemed) That is stupid. I have run across others like you that say they never have problems. If that is the case then stick with what you know. Oh yeah, I have not ever used a VIA pro. Cyrix is tons worse than VIA. I'm glad that stupid chip died. What was IBM thinking?

    My system on the top with Nforce 3 has never ever locked up on me. Its been on currently for 3 weeks non stop (on UPS)Playing games and tons of apps. If there is a bug with nforce 3 I have yet to see it. So you see I am one that has no problems with Nforce yet you do. Just turning the table there about VIA. I was not sure if Nvidia made chip sets for Intel. If they do (Not doubting you) that is news to me.

  10. techguy26

    techguy26 Regular member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    So you see I am one that has no problems with Nforce yet you do

    I have never used nforce although my next build will definatlly will
    cause of sli and pcix I'm just saying If you keep your drivers up to date you won't have prob's like most the prob's encounted with a pc are of lack of upgrades to the user's part but you are right about upgrading all the time. aleast once a month, I'm just saying via aint no different from all the other chipset's it's just a small portion of the whole picture.
  11. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    This is kind of random. What kind of performance gain will there be from 3200+ to 3500+ to 3800+?
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    some newer updates don't always work properly with older boards & os for example via & intel. have come across problems when using up to date updates that cause the os to go slow
  13. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    I just use the drivers that came with the Mobo about a year ago. Have not updated them and have no need to. Windows of course has been updated many times.

    As far as the different AMD 64 numbers, the higher the are the faster that chip can go. Other than that they are the same.

  14. The_OGS

    The_OGS Active member

    Feb 18, 2004
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    PC3500 is rated for overclock FSB (200DDR++) but will work fine at PC3200 speed (200DDR).
    At stock mobo speed, the PC3500 memory will easily support SPD timings with marvelous stability, and selection of more aggressive memory timings in BIOS should be possible without instability.
    So you run PC3200 @ SPD, or PC3500 @ Enhanced or Turbo setting.
    Higher-rated memory (though you will pay $$) is good because, if any system instability, you know memory is over-rated therefore under-clocked, so if set to SPD the memory will not be the source of your problems (look elsewhere).
    This is important because, with the vast majority of 'haunted' computers, the memory is #1 stop for troubleshooting...
    @ Lastdrgn
    You an Ontarian! Kewl - here is a link, for you to cross-reference pricing or whatever...
  15. pulsar

    pulsar Active member

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Always wondered about that one, thank you The_Ogs, that was most informative!

  16. furydog

    furydog Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    Intel is my choice of cpu. I have both and my new Intel 3.7 is amazingly cool compared to my almost sweatshop temperature amd 64 fx55. Both are fast but my Intel doesn't require extra fans or special attention. Amd has an edge in price and I guess an edge in gaming from what everybody says, but I prefer Intel when gaming as hard as that maybe for some of you to believe.
  17. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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  18. furydog

    furydog Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    Intel maybe unethical but my concern is still performance and reliabilty in which amd has let me down on a continuous basis.
  19. wallen69

    wallen69 Member

    Jun 6, 2005
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    I am typing this on my first ever AMD based machine. All my previous Desktop PCs have had intel. I have had a Cyrix based notebook. I have to say that this PC seems slow compared with the supposed spec. It has an Athlon64 2800 chip and is in the real world slower than my home PC with an Intel Celeron 2.2Ghz CPU, despite the AMD machine having 4 times the RAM (2GB compared with 512Mb) and twice the HDD space. I also have had a small number of blue screen crashes with this AMD machine which I have never had on the Intel based machines. I have to say that the Cyrix based notebook was slow for its clock speed as well. All in all in future I will stick with Intel rather than go for any clone manufacturer
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2005
  20. WiteWizrd

    WiteWizrd Regular member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    Im no more partial to one than the other.
    AMD is cooler, and cheaper
    Intel is built like rock youd find in ur back yard...(Please dont test and throw a p4 against a wall to see if it breaks!)

    iv always had intel, and i really want to try amd for a change just to see, but with the duelcore thats come out, i cant decide which one to go for next round..guess we will have to see.

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