One last thing i might recommend, its an older game but one the best, Starcraft Brood war, awsome online play, and free. btw also look at diablo.(old school but awesome)
BTW; if you have already played Diablo I and II; there are a lot of clones available for them. One title that I've found to be particularly satisfying was Dungeon Siege (Both one and two). Excellent play style, gorgeous graphics, variety of character development, spells, items, abilities. Very fun, and just like the Diablo series, full online and offline support. An excellent title; number two can be found for $20 or less, I picked up the first one with the "Legends of Aranna" expansion for $15 about a year ago; very good stuff. Great for that dungeon slashing urge. @thekingo7 Thanks, I take pride in that. lol. I'm loving this site; while wondering just how long it will be before I pass 'newbie' status.
I guess it all depends on what u like.. Role playn, first shooter, strategy, etc.. Im more strategy so I would recommend Sim City 4 Rush Hour expansion.. AWESOME GAME!! Age of Mythology ( with the titan expansion ) , Rise of Nations, Stronghold 1 & 2.. 2 is better tho.. Command and Conquer Generals (zero hour) and i totally back up the previous recommendations of Black and White 2, Age of Empires, Warcraft III and Star Wars Empire at war, Fun, Fun, Fun..
Fahrenhiet(legendary game) AKA indigo theory or something WoW is the best and most played game ever so thats a good bet... Counter-strike 1.6 or FPS EVER! Star Wars: Jedi knight outcast/academy Star Wars: Knights of the old republic (star wars rocks ) FEAR is alright but starts to drag at the end... TES games are ok but i dont like them tbh, to slow gameplay for me Unreal Tournament/04 Great frag fest game on...i find it gets boring quickly though...becuase its so easy for me Prince of Persia series is quite good but they last to long and play better on console.. Max Payne1/2 both brillant games:the invention of bullet time StarCraft/brood wars: best RTS game EVER! C&C generals/zero hour: great RTS so is the rest the of the series accutally.. Monkey island series is old but just great fun Halo: everyone seems to love this game but i dont think its that great? CoD1/2: played though them both but i really dont see the attraction to it... Americas Army: fairly good FREE fps game but full of American patriotism rubbish take your pick