just picked up a classic series.Any one remember Project AKO, now the other 2 dvds are out love and robots uncivil wars also added these titles to my collection: dvd 3/4/5/ of zoids fuzors mezzo dvd 1 1st dvd of elfen lied 1st dvd of D.N.Angel
I read somewhere its like 291 episodes Ive missed a few tho Ive got a few videos/dvds of the eps and movies, most are videos
Might look into getting dbz Has any1 seen Bakuretsu Tenshi, pretty good. @andmerr the only one on your list i have seen is elfen lied, i've heard of D.N.Angel, any good??
p4_tt : as violent as gantz.Not bad, have to wait and see how the series pans out before making a conclusive judgement
Am actually looking into gantz, i was reading about it and it sounds pretty good, @Alien13 I'll give anything a try
There also a Final Fantasy OVA out called Last Order, it's pretty good but if ya played FF7 then you wont be missing much. Just an idea but are any of you guys a member of animenfo or any other site that lets you make a list of your fav anime coz i think it would be cool if we checked each another anime out to get some ideas of what anime to check out am still making my list LOL.
I mean a list of your favorite anime kinda like the link below, http://www.animenfo.com/myanimedb.php?userid=89217 I know we could make a list here but animenfo is very detailed PS Your lucky that site you get your anime off has a better selection than were i get mine
Media players like VLC, BsPlayer & Media player classic can handle sub files, unless you mean permanently?
Just finished watching the 1st 20 eps of what has to one of the oddish animes out there, "Cooking Master Boy" as mentioned in the title its a cooking anime and it's in Cantonese 8)
Just started watching a rather good anime called Trigun (as mentioned by Nojsy), pretty fun not too bad dubbed apart from that women that did the voice of Chun-li in Street Fighter 2v, for some odd reason it reminds me of Cowboy Beebop :}