Even if they wrote region 1 in big print, it doesn't matter where they put it or the size. Region 1 is region 1. So, I would say that is just a coincidence. The newest version of DVD Shrink has a pop up window which addresses region settings. If you haven't already, check to see if you have the latest version. You may need to go into settings and uncheck Safe Mode under the Program tab in AnyDVD. I've run into few programs DVD Shrink was unable to decrypt. As another method use the free DVD Decrypter and rip the file to HD and then load the decrypted file to DVD Shrink. If that method doesn't work, something is seriously wrong. BTW, InCD has to be removed through ADD-REMOVE in the Control Panel. It is not one of those programs that can just be shut off. It runs continuously in the background. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
Memorex buys its media from either Ritek (its DVD+Rs) and its +RWs from Ricoh--two of the top names in the business. So, it's just flat out incorrect to say they are selling unreliable media. In fact, much like stereo equipment, TVs and computer components, they are often made by company x and then "rebadged" and sold by company B. And while blank media resellers seem to try to stick mostly to one vendor, anyone who managed vendor relations knows that isn't always possible. So it's impossible to know, in the store, exactly who made your disc. You're best bet is trial and error. If your drive is older or for some reason doesn't like a particular media, you'll find one it does like. Or you can buy a new burner and not have to worry about it. Also, make sure you have enough RAM and processor power. If you have an older, slower set up, you can hash a disk by using other apps (esp CPU intensive apps) whilst ripping or burning. My P4HT 2.8GHz, obviously, doesn't have this problem. And, in a year of burning DVDs, the only coaster I've ever burned was a Verbatim, who buy their media from MCC--Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation. Verbatim also sells a line of neat looking blanks with a "film roll" design. But this is just so they can charge you three bucks a DVD instead of the 80 cents ea. I paid yesterday at BestBuy. But it's the same product--both -R and +Rs are MCC. The media manufacturer with the worst rep (deserved or not) is CMC MAG, a Taiwan company. I have seen legitimate complaints about their media, tho' personally, I've never had a problem with it. But don't believe that Memorex sells substandard media under its label; it's not true. They resell two of the best brands, Ricoh and Ritek. A program called DVDInfo (freeware which also has a payware version DVDInfo "Pro"). It easily identifies the media for you. As with any manufactured product, no matter the reputation or past reliability, has a possibility of a bad batch. Or even a single bad disk. As I said, in attempting to archive a DVD today, I had a Verbatim 8x disk coaster on me for no discernible reason. After Chapter nine it simply stopped working. So, I used a Memorex DVD+RW (the Ricoh media) to burn a test copy which turned out fine. Then I burned a permanent copy on a Memorex 4x disk made by Ritek. I used Nero to do it. Also, the new version of DvdShrink (3.2) also enables you to use CopytoDVD as your burning software in the same way you could and can still use Nero to "automatically" burn the disk after 'Shrink's encoded it on your hdd. A pull down menu after you click the "Back up" button can be found on the screen that appears that lets you choose which burning pkg to use--provided both are installed. DVDecryptor is another must have piece of freeware. It's toolset isn't as robust as DVDShrink, but it's getting better. It also rips movies just as fast as 'Shrink. Decryptor's latest version is You can find it here: http://www.dvddecrypter.com/. Just wanted to correct the misunderstandings posted on this page.
BEWARE OF FAKE DVD43. dvd43 is a freeware version of AnyDVD. And it only works if you have the Patin-Couffin writing engine installed (which, to my knowledge, comes only with CopytoDVD from vso software). It's written by a guy named Captain George. There is however, a company called Fengtao (which sells a product called DVD Idle) which has ripped off dvd43's name and even the logo and smiley faces the app uses to tell you the encryption state of the disk. This fake dvd43 suddenly expires after thirty days and then directs you to a Fengtao website which tells--COMPLETELY FALSELY--that you have to pay Fengtao $20 to keep using a freeware program. This FAKE version is called 2. The real version is 1.4 and can be found at the real dvd43 site, dvd43.com. BEFORE downloading, make sure the page has a warning from Captain Red about the phoney, "bait-and-switch" product by Fengtao. He's too polite to mention these scumbags by name; I'm not. So, don't be fooled. ONLY download the site thru Cap'n George's page. Fengtao fooled me by setting up a fake mirror site. So, be careful and boycott Fengtao software or anything else made by them or companies owned by them. It's the only way to show such pirates what we think of people who rip off freeware and try to make a profit off of some one else's hard work. Remember dvd43.com and the version is 1.4. If you don't see the warning about the fake version, you're probably at one of the faked mirrors. PM
I noticed someone mention the packet writing app "InCD." I have it but have never installed it. Everyone I know says stay away from packet writing software because it normally can only be read by the brand of writer it was burned with. But I had something odd happen. Just for giggles, I used Microsoft's packet writing software (by Roxio) and wrote some pics of my 4 yr old to a CD-RW in my Memorex drive. I then put it in my pioneer burner, it read them fine. Then I popped the disc into my DVD-ROM set-top and, after about two minutes, it actually read the pictures of my little girl, displaying them in brilliant color on the tv. Now, I thought this was impossible. I still can't figure out how it happened. I didn't think set-tops had the ability to read packets written thusly. Was it a fluke? Do I have a magic set top box. Silly, I know. But I wonder, has anyone else discovered this?
Pain_Man That is not always the case and you do not know what you will get because they also use. CMC INFODISC PHILLIPS PRODISC PRINCO MBI MMC And others. That is too many maufacturers to know what quaility Memorex discs you will get. http://www.videohelp.com/dvdmedia.php?dvdmediasearch=memorex
Veblin is right, Memorex uses a lot of manufacturers to produce their brand. Over the past year much of the -R media has been produced by CMC. Up until the beginning of this year, much of the +R media was produced by Ricoh. However, CMC has started producing the +R media. Prodisc was doing the -RW discs and Philips the +RW. Ritek was doing some of the Memorex -R discs. Ritek was supplying the G01, the lower speed disk. I'm not aware of any of the G04 discs being sold by Memorex. [bold]So, with Memorex selling a lot of CMC product, I've started to shy away from the brand. [/bold] This is just Memorex DVD media from the past year. I'm not sure of the other manufacturers for CD media or even the complete list of DVD. For some reason the "Brands" aren't forthcoming with their manufacterers. Patin Couffin comes with a number of software programs. Also it can be downloaded separately off the net. About the property theft, I am not sure. I have AnyDVD and don't mess with either. However, most people know there is a free DVD43 and a trialware retail version. The freebie entails using the Patin Coufin driver interface, another free download. The trialware includes the driver for the software. This is old news and the information is already spread all over the forum.