@grandpaBW... I can't say that I understand your post. It's possible to use an ISP without installing some sort of software? (Obviously, I'm not very knowledgable of such matters) I use Verizon DSL and I'm happy with it; only $25 a month with my phone...Gerry
You have to install the moden anyway, and then you need to install the program so that a window comes up to connect! The only way you woulnt have to connect is if you had a router, and this way you still have to install the router etc so.....
AOL sucks. i got it when i first got my PC & had all manner of problems.. im with Telewest now, no trouble at all. 4mb speed, no download limits & they are in the process of upping the speed to 10mbps for no extra cost! theyre supposed to be having a merger with NTL soon, so i dont know whether thats a good or a bad thing.. Im sure ill be on aD moaning about it if its bad.
I think all of you have learned a very valuable lesson. The lesson being that you should not have to download any software to access broadband service. If I were all of you, I would just ask how to create a manual connection or do not use the service at all. Here in the USA, I had AOL DSL for 1.5 years without any troubles. I only switched DSL providers because SBC offered a cheaper alternative. I still have an AOL account and it does not offer me any troubles on my DSL connection.
Hey, Im with Wanadoo for my broadband, i never, ever have any problems at all with it. I have 1.1 Mbps and a 2GB dl limit (which ive never reached) Btw, KRAINDI, try not to write all in caps, its against forum rules. Jin666
im on tiscali 2.2Meg broadband now, never had any trouble with it at all, only £17.99 and its unlimited (theres a fair usage policy that says u have to watch your downloads during peak hours but still) unless you can get telewest or bulldog then id go for tiscali
"Application to Leave AOL" This form must be filled out in triplicate and e-mailed to all the regs not less than thirty days prior to your intended departure date. Applications will be reviewed the second Tuesday of each week from 1:10-1:15 am. If you are approved for departure (which ain't gonna happen so give it up), you will be notified by e-mail on the second Wednesday of next week. Part A Question 1: In no less than 5,000 word explain your reason for desiring to be released from AOL:. Question 2: What the hell do you think you are gonna do with all the spare time you are gonna have? Question 3: Do you honestly believe your family likes you enough to talk to you????? Part B Personal Information Full Given Name:________________________________ Address_______________________________________ ______________________________________________ Daytime phone__________________________________ Work phone____________________________________ Parents phone__________________________________ Neighbors phone________________________________ Strangers phone_________________________________ Age____________ SSN#_____________________ Weight_______________ Height___________________ Bra size___________________ Jock size_____________ Mothers Maiden Name_____________________________ Grandmothers Country of Origin_____________________ List Ten Names, Addresses & Phone Numbers of places that you can be reached in case of a damn "we miss you" emergency: (please list the above info in alphabetical order...indicating where you are most likely to be at what time of day) Fill out this form and email to all known regs for review and opinion This part to be completed by regs, and returned to the silly person requesting to leave us. (make sure you file all the personal info that was given above in case they try to leave us anyway!! HeHeHeHe) Application Approved: NO_______ Application Denied: YES______
I have AOL, it seems to have got worse since I last posted here. It's utter garbage. I advise all to steer clear. If anyone can suggest a decent ISP (Unlimited) in the UK, I'd be glad to listen. Cheers all.
I reside in the US so it sucks to be you all when it comes to using AOL. Things are different when choosing broadband service here. There are two choices, DSL and Cable. The thing is, that DSL is done through the old Ma Bell telephone lines and cable is done through the same cable lines. The only thing that changes is the name of the company that is providing the service. All services are congruent except for the benefits of the package.
Oh I can't resist this one. Okay I have a unique insight into AOHell. Aside from having them for years, I also worked for their cancellations depart for about a month. Internally we were known as "saves." Where to start hmmm. Okay first off it's a pain to cancel AOL. It may be easier to give birth than cancel your subscription. We had a policy called "three no's and a go." That meant the customer had to say no three times before you would cancel their account. In addition you had to be the primary person or secondary person listed on the account. If not, no dice. Then you needed a combination of master email account, address, or Accounct Security Question to cancel. Now the three no's was figurative, often I'd force a customer to say no 5+ times before cancelling their account. Between all that and the two free months we'd bribe customers with to stay, people rarely ever got their accounts cancelled. AOL for Broadband is the biggest waste of money in the universe. It piggy backs on top of your existing high speed connection to give you things you can get for free all over the net. It doesn't actually connect you through cable or DSL. You pay $14.95 and up a month for that privellage. On top of that as more and more people move to broadband, the reaper inches closer to the stupid stick figure. AOHell doesn't own any phone lines or cable companies. Think about it. In the West, SBC owns just about everything. In the south, Southern Bell owns a ton of phone lines. In between, AT&T owns everything. That rules out DSL. As I previously stated they don't own any cable companies. So they have zero foothold in the broadband market. Knowledgeable users have no need for AOL for Broadband. They simply get DSL thru their Phone company, and Cable thru their Cable company. So the end is nigh for AOL and they know it. The people who run the company are incompetent. It's like God had a bet with Satan that a bunch of 3rd graders could run the most idiotic, pointless company on the planet and people would still flock to them in droves. Looks like God won that bet. I quit after a month because I couldn't deal with it. I made great money, they begged me to say and the incentives were terrific. At the end of the day, I couldn't sell my soul to the blue beast. It wasn't really noble, just that I hated the job and myself for working there. I had to quit to preserve what little self respect I had left. Anyway there you go, maybe some not so well known insight into AOHell. Cheers!
I use AOL and have done for a number of years now. I know loads of people have problems with them, but personally I have no bother with them at all. I have the 2meg platinum package and receive the full 2meg all the time. No kicks at all. They are shortly to upgrade to 8meg at no extra cost (obviously depending on your telephone exchange) which cant be bad. I dont use their software either, I connect to the internet through my router and aol software is not loaded unless I want it to be. No, I don't work for AOL b0043
i use comcast it a cable owned company my dowload speed is always around 5meg,uploads is around 400 and no software is needed,they supply the modem and it auto hooks up to use.i use a 5 port router.. check ye speed here http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/
SORRY mate; i write in caps as it is easier. (im 1finger typer from uni days before windows 3.1). AOL; i`ll be trying out bulldog later. everyone has my aol email address and aol are still blocking emails from anyone they feel like to me. aol seem to be a law unto themselves. appartently they can filter from "suspect" sender servers.. rgds to all. thanks for helpful messages.. Hey, Im with Wanadoo for my broadband, i never, ever have any problems at all with it. I have 1.1 Mbps and a 2GB dl limit (which ive never reached) Btw, KRAINDI, try not to write all in caps, its against forum rules. Jin666
There's ONE page AOL.com hopes you'll never find. marahmarie submitted by marahmarie 9 hours 45 minutes ago (via http://marahs-aol-log.livejour...) AOL deletes link to "Cancel My Account" page after I publish link; deletes new links as I update. I learn AOL deleted Keyword "Cancel" from Keywords A-Z too. Deleting Keyword "Cancel" and "Cancel My Account" page breaks AOL's 1997 deal with Washington to make "Cancel My Account" info easy to find online. GO HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE http://dvdxcopy.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/326826
Is AOL censoring its critics? 4/14/2006 11:02:57 AM, by Nate Anderson America Online AOL was accused this week of not delivering e-mail containing the URL of a group that opposes its plan to begin charging corporations to bypass the AOL spam filters. DearAOL.com, a coalition of more than 500 members who oppose the plan, found that e-mails simply containing a link to their web site were returned to the sender with an error message on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The problem, which AOL attributed to a "glitch" in their system, was corrected by Thursday evening, but the incident has made DearAOL members even more suspicious of the online service. Many of them are convinced that they were deliberately targeted, but even if that wasn't the case, they see this as a further example of why AOL cannot be trusted to maintain an acceptable level of service in its free e-mail offerings. MoveOn.org went so far as to call AOL dangerous to democracy (warning: set hyperbole shields to maximum). "It's an example of our point: that they are arbitrary and capricious in the way they deliver e-mail," said Wes Boyd, president of online political group MoveOn.org Civic Action. "If AOL can just decide without consultation of anyone that they can censor a website, then what are the chances for democracy?" Democracy seems likely to survive with or without the participation of AOL, which to its credit fixed the problem promptly. The resulting media coverage of the incident has been a boon for the DearAOL coalition; after all, everyone likes a good David and Goliath story. If AOL was intentionally trying to censor the group, their strategy certainly backfired, and some observers think that DearAOL should be grateful for the free publicity. "One shouldn't attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence," said Internet governance professor Jonathan Zittrain of Oxford University. Nonetheless, "to the extent that this campaign was about raising awareness, AOL has contributed greatly to that." The controversial GoodMail system was expected to go live last week, but has now been delayed. Since the announcement of the new policy, AOL has worked hard to counter the negative press they've been receiving by offering free access to nonprofits and arguing that they will still provide a robust free e-mail system for those companies who choose not to take advantage of GoodMail. Expect the issue to grow more heated when the system is in place and some corporation that doesn't want to pay an "AOL tax" has its legitimate bulk e-mail blocked. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060414-6602.html
Just a few thoughts about ISP provided software.. Get cable and install the rubbish "spyware" IE6 that comes with it.. Go online for a minute or two for the cable switches to work out your IP and confirm it against your mac no. Change OS to some flavour of linux...Goodbye ISP spyware.. And AOL have just handed over a great heap of user logs to the UK government without a whimper...Where do the privacy and misuse of computer laws stand in that case? Down the can!!