Came late to this one but oh well. That's one of my favorite excuses. Too cheap to cough up $40 for an app that works wonders, is constantly updated and has lifetime updates BUT you have the money to buy a computer, pay for internet, buy blank media and buy movies to back up in the first place. What a lame, lame, lame excuse. If you don't like AnyDVD then you're outta luck pally. Here's the link for netnanny - you can add AnyDVD as one of the bad words to filter. There's even a FREE trial!
AnyDvd & CloneDvd are an excellent combo, they are hard to beat & without the guys at SlySoft lots here would be screwed! The SlySoft guys work really hard to make AnyDvd compatible with Recode & Shrink. So, no, I am not fed up of people saying "get AnyDvd man". This thread is typical of the pointless, useless & stupid threads started here. A complete & utter waste of time & space. With threads like this attempting to knock SlySoft & the people recommending it, it is no wonder people are leaving in their droves. If the person who started the thread thinks differently, why ask such a stupid question? The people who recommend AnyDvd recommend it for a reason, sounds like you are trying to make fools of most of us here.
Yeah, I was working last Saturday and got screwed on a jobsite after a 2 hour drive and then a buddy called to say he got an early copy of "Narnia". However, he was having problems backing it up and told me nothing he had would work. Nonetheless, I cruised over to his house and downloaded DvdFabDecrypter and a couple others he did'nt have. Eventually, I downloaded the free 21 day trial of "AnyDvd" and "CloneDvd". The combination of these two made mincemeat of that DVD literally. I can honestly say that without question I "WILL" be purchasing this software as it is easy to use and seems to work on all the "hard to backup" movies out there you know? I both believe and agree that AnyDvd is a great product and well worth the what, $40 bucks? As I see it, (and I may not be speaking for everyone here) wise up and buy the program because it works and I can almost gaurantee you will not have a problem with another movie. Late. Allen
and i've come late to the debate i see..............but: at the moment there are few programs that have the capability to succeed in bypassing this encryption issue.Yes there are other programs like dvd43 but they arent upgraded as often.Is there one you guys can suggest as a substitute !!!!!!!
Quote by poncho760, from another thread..... Another poncho760 quote...... [bold]If you don't want to use AnyDVD, that's your decision. Just don't try to stop others from learning about it being an option. Or are you working for a competitor to SlySoft, to stop people from learning about it?[/bold] It's not just the Newbies with problems either. A long time "Senior member", has gotten a "Holier than Thou" attitude, with regular members, as well as with newbies. I am one that tells people to try AnyDVD and CloneDVD. I will keep on recommending them, as long as they work. People now days usually want the quickest and easiest way to do the job. If free does it, fine. If there's a cheap option that works, I'll suggest it. Don't try to block those that may appreciate the suggestion, from learning about SlySoft, just because [bold]you[/bold] don't want to use it.
Here’s when I started to use anydvd, And clonedvd2.I was pushing clonedvd2 and anydvd when it was not a Twinkle in afterdawn eyes or ye guys. Through other web sites I managed we Got the word out to over 25000 users In the early days of clone and anydvd2. i have every download of clonedvd and anydvd saved. Note:lawman started us on clonedvd2 and anydvd.. We (the rag-tags 71 of us} were using clonedvd and anydvd we started out withDVD copy and got tired of the crap 321 studios was putting out. I got my first DVD copy version 1.0 product in late October 2002. we were copying movies in a heart beat while ye were trying to figure out dvdxcopy stuff and constantly waiting for updates that seems to never come from 321 studios..or worse then the last update. Anydvd version, 7-3-03 First public release Elbvy clonedvd 11-2-03 big change over from the old version. Clonedvd2 Version 3-18-04 2004 03 18 second release for public consumption This version is the start of the change over. CloneDVD2SneakPreview version 2-16-04 p/s while ye guys were beating ye heads against the wall with the early versions of DVD Decrypter and shrink we we copying movies in half the time and getting good results.
andmerr would ye believe it that version Elbvy clonedvd 11-2-03 and CloneDVD2SneakPreview version 2-16-04 are still installed and active with 2892 all three are on my computer now,as they install in diff folders there is a earlier version of clonedvd2 i can not find on my puter it was a beta.. let not give her a reason to close the thread thanks quote from NEPH, Hey fellas, we're getting into dangerous territory by passing judgment and naming names. This thread has already gone down the toilet once so let's not have it happen again. NEPH,you should pm those people that are naming names or edit there post,with the reason why..
Can I name names? Sorry but these people deserve recognition. Thank you brobear, who well over 1 1/2 years ago, posted in a forum about Anydvd. I knew what to turn to when I started having problems backing up my movies. Thank you Ireland and arniebear who finally convinced me that Clonedvd2 was an excellent choice over DvdXCopy. I've been able to back up all my TV series, director's cuts, etc. People have to remember these come with a 21 day TRIAL. One can make their own choice as to whether they want to purchase. No one is twisting anyone's arm. Yes, there are free alternatives, but I don't mind paying for, nor recommending programs that WORK. I, personally, do not have the time to fiddle-fart around using this and that to get a working backup. In my opinion, Slysoft deserves every single penny I paid.
Quote from mackdl........ I totally agree! If they don't want recognition and repeating, they shouldn't have said it in the first place! Once you say something on a public forum, it's public domain. It's not right that a "Senior member" can insult another member or two, in public view, here on the forums, and the insulted not be allowed to tell others what he said, and who it was that said it! Tread lightly folks. It looks like the [bold]only[/bold] people here with rights, are the Senior Members. Rant over...........
thats not true, every one from the lowest newbie to the almighty mods and above have in one way or another had a rant, simply its human nature and a way for us to express our disapproval, or approval at something
I was one of those anydvd haters to start out with. Only because it made it SOOOO EASSSYY!! I am not new to burning dvd's I have about 10-20 programs I use, and I enjoy the challenge of copying some of MY movies. I just burnt dick and jane with decrypter with a program called PGCEDIT with the PSL2 plugin which is really cool seeing as I have always loved decrypter!!! Some of us like a challenge but why crack on the guy who just wants to back up a dvd the easy way eh? and if you were new to burning movies as many others and aren't looking to get into MANY hours of reading and learning new programs I would tell you the same thing... get anydvd and clonedvd! lol! on the other hand if you like a challenge and wanna learn new programs and don't mind frustration start downloading and trying new combinations and keep posting em so I can try em out lol! peace all! jaminjim
THEN REPORT IT AS AN OFFENSIVE POST - THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR! Jesus Christ some of the people around here!
I keep reading about Newbies and and yes we were all in that situation once but AnyDVD might not of been around then so why blame all the peole that are looking for answers for the actions of a few, after all how do you know that Slyfox software is posting the replies. I know DirecTV did on someof the forums about them. Along with this I hear the so called "experts" saying how easy it is to rip movies without AnyDVD, but I have not seen the first guide of how to do it, or a pointer to any of the guides that were mentioned here. I thought that this sight was to help everyone, not start in fighting between us. So let's come to terms that everyone can do everything and let the ones that want to use it do and those of you that want to spend hours on end doing work arounds to it their way. After all we have all bought software before and will again to stay even with the movie makers and their staffs. After all where can you get a "Supported" copy of Nero, the Operating Systems that is required to make the computer operate, or the other tools we use to do what we enjoy doing.
First off let me say that I bought AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 and use them almost exclusively. But here is an excellent guide written by alkohol. I have not tried this method, due to laziness, but it will work on any movie. As a side note if you haven't seen this guide mentioned in any threads, you haven't looked too hard.I posted this same exact link earlier in this thread. Not to mention that every time a "problem" movie comes out this is one of two answers that work on any movie. I don't think I need to say what the other one is. Happy burning