re-download Click "INSTASPI" to unzip, browse the files after it's unzipped. Click "KILLASPI", then "INSTASPI", then reboot and run aspi check. It should have 4.71 for all dll's.
Im using windows2000, using a external sonydvdrw/r burner. (same when it did aspichk it said ASPI32.SYS not installed, WOWPOST.EXE not installed, WINASPI.DLL not installed, and WNASPI32.DLL not installed) I followed the steps you gave me to do Click "INSTASPI" to unzip, browse the files after it's unzipped. Click "KILLASPI", then "INSTASPI", then reboot and run aspi check
hmmm ... that's wierd nothing installed. also an aspi layer won't help you much since your using a external burner. I think one other person had problems with force 1.8, so they installed ForceASPI 1.7 But I would try using a newer version of Platinum, or try using DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter. BTW ... what was your error message? can you post the log?
the error message was the file was to large for the dvdr disc. where can i get the 4.03version of platinum? i dwnloaded dvd shrink and decrypter think id have better time using this software, but dont fully understand how to use it yet. tried to backup and it said not enough memory at target location..currently still wrking with this.
can you post your system specs? Processor, RAM, HD, free HD space, #of optical drives? and with Windows 2000 are you using NTFS or FAT32? Also sent you a PM.
this is a toshiba laptop portege7200, 750mhz,13gb,128mb ram, internal cd/dvdrom..external sony dvdr burner. do i get my pm?
Not good. No matter what program you use, it won't work. It's recommended you have 8-10GB free. Can you add an external HD? Did you get an e-mail notifying you of a private message? There is a address to cut an paste. Or at the top of the afterdawn window, click on private messages.
ok i see where the pm is. hmmm but i have made two sucessful copies in the past. well ok im gettin a new laptop this week i'll try to set it up on there and see if im gonna get better results. and yes i can add a external hd