I think i'm an average looking guy and my girlfriends were average lookinking girls. Even though I could go out with a 10 in my school they wouldn't go for me becuase i'm not at their level. We could talk for days and they would find out what a great person i am (IMO) but they want someone they can show off to their friends so they would turn me down and introduce me to their average looking friend and we would hang out and by nightfall we would be boyfriend and girlfriend. That's how the people around me work so i think i would have to agree with you hursty. I go for average looking girls because the dimes would not give me a chance.
I'd have to say that unlike most people, I am fairly easily contented. For me good enough is plenty, and so since I've already landed a keeper, why would I want to go and find someone better? My girl is everything I need, and a little bit more. The chances of finding someone better are low but not non-existant, but for me it's not worth giving up the time and energy I've invested so far.
lol, nonono, not at all... I'm just awkward, so catching her in the first place was a huge personal achievement. I'm not very good at that whole "meeting girls" bit. But now that I've got her she's really low maintenance. =D
Speaking of attracive and unattractive people, How many times how you ask a girl out and how many said yes and how many said no.
I've never asked a girl out. Just make it real bate that I fancy her, and when I get a responce, we usually start linkin. At my age it's easier just linkin rather than actually going out with someone because I just haven't got the time for the hassle that comes with.. Lethal
Good Lord Almighty - how could I forget that face! We've already met! I think that handful of roofies I put in your drink may be clouding your memory though! They also affected your motor skills because you got real toothy on me that night Good to see you pop in ScubaBud - you've been missed Actually I do. Where do you think all the "F You Neph" threads come from!
My inflatable girlfriend isn't a megafox but I would classify her as being pretty darn cute. The thing is, she's been acting a little bit wierd lately, and it looks like she may even be stalking me. I know, scary stuff!
Usually I don't mind those type of noises. Even so, I don't think that I would be able to stab her. I did get sort of ticked-off last week when she traded my Haloperidol to one of her pneumatic friends for half a bottle of Flintstone vitamins (She likes the Barneys) but I'm over it now. I've been feeling a bit more playful lately so I'm going to play a little joke on her today. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she returns from her jogging and starts to gulp down her favorite lime Gatorade. I just poured out the Gatorade and replaced it with Prestone Anti-freeze. She might be a little miffed at first, but usually she's a pretty good sport. I would be willing to bet that by the end of the day she will die laughing over my little joke.
I absolutely concur with your opinion on this Dr. Nephilim. I much prefer a couple of aspirin and a few hours sleep. Honestly though, I was also prescribed Haloperidol once a few years ago by an ER doctor when my buddy had to take me in because of a sleep disorder and I had not slept for about 4 days. In the ER they shot me up with various things including a strong dose of sleeping meds, so at the time I just fell into a much needed sleep. The next day however, when I took the Haloperidol as directed, was a completely different story. Within an hour I knew that I was on Satans' personal roller-coaster and he wasn't going to stop and let me off. That was a terrible night; I felt like I was coming out of my skin, it was such an edgy and creepy feeling. BTW it looks like you've been a pretty busy Mod today. I don't think that you will need the Haloperidol to get to sleep tonight.