BD RB Beta released! - now at version 0.37.08 (April 23rd, 2011)

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Sophocles, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. tinner45

    tinner45 Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    Thank you for the response. It really did a good on Toy story 3, beautiful picture, crisp and clear. It was done on BD-RB 37.03
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2011
  2. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    BD RB can and will also shrink a blu-ray to a DVD 5 or 9 in the standard DVD format that WILL play on a standard DVD player. The option to do this is found in the "alternate output" menu section. Can't tell you exactly how it is worded as I don't have the program on this computer. But I do this all the time so that I have a DVD copy of my blu-rays to play in the vehicle for my daughter.
  3. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Yes, just as long as it's clear that it's not going to be in high definition. The post implied that he was looking to play a BD-5 or BD-9 on a a standard DVD. Unless there are no standard copies from which to make a backup I have no idea why anyone would invest the time to convert a Blu-Ray to DVD format since it takes far to long with no qualitative benefits.
  4. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    I just listed an important benefit in my post. Not everyone has a blu-ray player in every room of their house or in their vehicle for the kids to watch. Not all blurays come with DVD copies. And rebuilding to DVD takes far less time on my system than rebuilding to blu-ray.
  5. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    which was thoughtful and good information. I wasn't debating your answer. I was merely pointing out the reason for my response to a question.

    They have at least one if they're ripping it to their drive for transcoding or re-encoding.

    I can rip, re-encode, and rebuild a standard DVD in under 50 minutes. It probably takes 30 minutes or longer just to rip a BD on most systems, and the transcoding is going to be at least a couple of hours or more on the fastest of systems.
    For me that's just too much time serving little purpose, and I have three systems to do it with. Most Blu-Rays that I've purchased lately do include standard DVD format, but that being said there are still standard DVD's sans Blu-Ray being released.

    Still I think your post has merit for those interested in trying. My purpose and that of this thread is to move from standard DVD to BD. Perhaps you should start a thread in this forum directed to transcoding blu-ray down to DVD. I'll support it.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  6. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    Uh, this is a BD Rebuilder thread. What I'm speaking of is a feature of this program that jdobbs recently added because of many requests from users to do so. Which means to me that there is a lot of people using this option. Otherwise, he would not have wasted his time developing this option.
    So, in conclusion, I will continue to use THIS thread to discuss this feature of the program that is in the title of this thread. If it is not a topic of interest to you, then you need not respond. Myself and others that want to use this feature will. It would seem kind of silly to start a new thread for every different available feature of BD Rebuilder, now wouldn't it???
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Uh, nope it's not. It's a DVD Rebuilder forum. Thread clearly states BD RB in the very first post. When someone decides to create a BD RB forum then this thread can be moved to it.

    I believe that I supported that purpose and recommended that you start a thread for it. In this thread it's off topic.

    Take it up with a moderator and see how that works out.

    I have no issue with that so start a thread for it.

    Go for it, as long as you're answering the actual question that's being asked.

    No! Try it and find out! Like I said I'll support it and chime in on it.
  8. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    1. It may be a DVD rebuilder forum, but the title of the THREAD (as I stated) clearly says "BD Rebuuilder released", and all these pages in this thread have been discussing using the program, which is exactly what I have been doing.

    2. I was answering the OP's original question. He/She wanted to know how to reencode a BR to DVD that they could watch on a DVD player. You said it couldn't be done. I instructed how to do it.

    So I can't discuss using features of BD Rebuilder, but others can in this SAME thread???
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    No, I never stated that. What I stated was

    Keep it in context. Now if arguing is all that you've got to do then I guess that's that.
  10. carlvo

    carlvo Regular member

    May 24, 2006
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    Okay, here's the deal dude. If someone has a question and I think I can help them, I will do so, whether it be in this thread or any other thread. And that is exactly what I did in this thread today. Sorry if you have some kind of strange problem with that.

    That being said, I have MUCH better things to waste my time on than replying to someone who will argue that the sky is not blue. I'm here for constructive reasons, so this will be my last reply to you. Have a good evening.
  11. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Then stop arguing the sky is blue and stay on topic. Later!!!
  12. tinner45

    tinner45 Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    WOW!!!!!!! I didn't mean to start war. I thought both of you answered my question. No need to fight who is right because both of you stayed on topic. Think both of you.
  13. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i'm watching.
  14. redice

    redice Regular member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    CURRENT VERSION 0.37.06 (March 13th, 2011)

    - Corrected a bug in which 1080i sources could be
    incorrectly reencoded as 1080p.
    - Fixed an error that could cause MKV encoding to
    fail due to blank maximum bitrate in the command
    - Corrected an issue in which the resume function
    was not functioning properly due to the recent
    implementation of HD audio selection checks.
    - Correct a bug in which selecting "192Kbs" audio
    output in DVD-5/9 output was not first doing a
    conversion to 2 channel of multichannel sources.
    - Made several improvements in bitrate calculation
    and threshold checks.
    - Updated the included version of X264.EXE to the
    latest release (r1913).
    - Updated the included version of X264-64.EXE to
    the latest release (r1913).
    - Other minor corrections and cosmetic fixes.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  15. redice

    redice Regular member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    CURRENT VERSION 0.37.07 (March 29th, 2011)

    - Corrected an error in which framerate could be
    set incorrectly when outputting to DVD and one
    of the resizing options is selected.
    - Changed default audio selection behavior so that
    a track will be kept (even when the language is
    not one that is selected) when it is the only
    audio track available. This behavior can be set
    to be disabled using the new "KEEP_SINGLE_AUDIO"
    hidden option (see HIDDENOPTS.TXT).
    - Corrected a bug in which AVC sources may not be
    recognized as pulldown when appropriate when the
    480p video type is set and can result in syncing
    issues. Especially useful on sources previously
    run thorugh BD-RB, TSMUXER,or multiAVCHD.
    - Corrected an error in which DEINTERLACER_TYPE
    (hidden option) was not being read properly.
    - Updated the included version of X264.EXE to the
    latest release (r1924).
    - Updated the included version of X264-64.EXE to
    the latest release (r1924).
    - Other minor corrections and cosmetic fixes.
  16. binmax

    binmax Regular member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    Whats going on Sophocles? Its been a while since Ive been on this forum. Just checking to see if any new features have been added lately. I havent shrunk a Bluray in 6 months or so. Im glad your still here schooling the noobies !! Have your times increased over the last year or are they still pretty much the same? Just thought I would chime in here since Ive been MIA for a while. Im glad to see everyone is still trucking along on this software though.
  17. redice

    redice Regular member

    Jul 19, 2005
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    CURRENT VERSION 0.37.08 (April 23rd, 2011)

    - Corrected an issue in which resizing a source
    from 480i/29.97 to 720p would result in an
    TSMUXER "Non standard fps value" error during
    the remuxing.
    - Developed new routines so resizing of subtitle
    streams is now done by BD-RB (rather than via
    TSMUMXER). This corrects several possible
    issues associated with resizing PGS streams.
    - Corrected an issue in which opening a feature
    in movie-only mode that contains IGS in the
    main-movie stream could result in a "Selected
    Source is not BD Format" error.
    - Rebuilt the algorithms for checking subtitle
    sources. This should eliminate the TSMUXER
    error "Unexpected byte" and failure that could
    sometimes occur while extracting audio/subs and
    resizing to 720p.
    - Corrected an issue in movie-only mode in which
    "forced" subtitle (e.g. when foreign languages
    are spoken) were not supported during resizing.
    - Added support for subtitles when outputting to
    ALTERNATE/DVD. Note that the conversion of
    the graphics and integration into the output
    stream adds approx 2 minutes to the overall job
    for each subtitle kept, so it is recommended
    you only select the subtitles you really want.
    - Add a new hidden option "DVD_SUB_BACKGROUND".
    It lets you select the type of background you'd
    like for DVD output (see HIDDENOPTS.TXT).
    - Add a new hidden option "DVD_SUB_COLOR". It lets
    you select the subtitle foreground color you'd
    like for DVD output (see HIDDENOPTS.TXT).
    - Updated the included version of X264.EXE to the
    latest release (r1937).
    - Updated the included version of X264-64.EXE to
    the latest release (r1936).
    - Other minor corrections and cosmetic fixes.
  18. proxpilot

    proxpilot Member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    anyone else getting errors with this new update? i keep getting

    BD Rebuilder experienced an error 2603 scan directory() 00063 2603

    then it says
    BD Rebuilder experienced an error 2705 BuildTreeList() 00009 2705

    then another that says correct EP Data. then it tells me my files are blu ray files.
    anyone know whats up.
  19. proxpilot

    proxpilot Member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    ^^^^ anyone have any input. also using the Movie only mode it's been doing the interactive movie not the main movie.
  20. wakko709

    wakko709 Regular member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    [08:59:12] BD Rebuilder v0.37.07 (beta)
    - Source: GREEN_HORNET
    - Input BD size: 40.86 GB
    - Approximate total content: [04:22:15.092]
    - Target BD size: 22.90 GB
    - Windows Version: 6.1 [7600]
    - Quality: Good (Very Fast), Two Pass
    - Audio Settings: AC3=0 DTS=0 HD=0 Kbs=448
    [08:59:16] PHASE ONE, Encoding
    - [08:59:16] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00021]
    - [08:59:23] Reencoding: VID_00021 (1 of 32)
    - [08:59:23] Collecting video information
    - [08:59:23] Keeping original video (no reencode)
    - [08:59:24] Reencoding audio tracks (if req'd)
    - [08:59:29] Multiplexing M2TS
    - [08:59:32] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00022]
    - [08:59:34] Reencoding: VID_00022 (2 of 32)
    - [08:59:34] Collecting video information
    - [08:59:34] Keeping original video (no reencode)
    - [08:59:34] Reencoding audio tracks (if req'd)
    - [08:59:35] Multiplexing M2TS
    - [08:59:36] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00116]
    - [08:59:42] Reencoding: VID_00116 (3 of 32)
    - [08:59:42] Collecting video information
    - Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 1920x1080
    - Rate/Length: 23.976fps, 120 frames
    - [08:59:42] Reencoding: VID_00116, Pass 1 of 1
    - [08:59:46] Video Encode complete
    - [08:59:46] Reencoding audio tracks (if req'd)
    - [08:59:46] Multiplexing M2TS
    - [08:59:56] Extracting A/V streams [VID_00112]
    - [09:02:30] Reencoding: VID_00112 (4 of 32)
    - [09:02:30] Collecting video information
    - Source Video: MPEG-4 (AVC), 1920x1080
    - Rate/Length: 23.976fps, 460 frames
    - [09:02:30] Reencoding: VID_00112, Pass 1 of 1
    - [09:02:51] Video Encode complete
    - [09:02:51] Reencoding audio tracks (if req'd)
    - [09:02:51] Multiplexing M2TS
    - Error in attempt to multiplex: MUX_00112.meta
    [09:03:35] - Failed to build structure, aborted

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