Wow. Guys I'm really impressed at how many people have posted in here. Thanks. When the little beast arrives I'll get a couple of pics posted. Might even organize a prize or 2 for the winning bet placerer. lol. Anyways, Keep the posts coming in. Here's the current Bets.
Ok guys & girls, we got 4 weeks to go. Just thought I'd post a current pic of Mrs B to help with guesses and or possible revisions to current guesses P.S. I reckon the mrs is gonna kill me for posting this pic of her. hehehe
My guess stays the same - but I'd like to add 5 to 1 on you not lasting 10 minutes when Mrs B finds out what you've done hehehe
OMG!!! bubba!!! what the heck?! that is the most DISGUSTING pic of me!!!! you rotton sod, couldnt you at least have cut my head out of the pic?! and to all of you betting on 9lb and 10lb and all that...if bub turns out to be that darn big, i'm blaming you. lol.
LOL Mrs. B. I want to see a picture with you holding that new baby in your arms, with a smile on your face. Nothing better in this world, until you get to hold grandkids. BTW, My guess is June 13th. Same day as my daughter's birthday. She will be 30, this year. But, you are going to have a boy, 8 lbs. 2 oz.
June 7th 8lbs 6 oz Girl. "Bubbette" Why? "wouldn't open it's legs and show us what sex it is" For your sake, may this continue for two decades =) I hope she has her father's smile and her mother's smarts. Why her mother's smarts? No offense, Mr. B, but a man that posts a picture of a pregger's woman might not be the sharpest crayon in the box. There isn't a jury in the world that would convict, if she decided to kill you right now. Mrs. B - you are ADORABLE, and I hope you don't kill Mr. B, he is gonna have a LOT of diapers to change soon!
Your wife is going to beat your @ss!!! LMAO!!!! Anywho...been keeping a count on the calender too...hope all is well with you 2, or should I just say, you 3! ;P Have a good one!
GrandpaBW - aww thanks. i cant wait to have the same feeling. they say 'patience is a virtue'...but damn it, i want this thing NOWWW!!!!!! i've been patient for 9 LivnDGirl - i hope your right about the legs shut i hope if its a girl i've got at least 16yrs before i have to start worrying about that...lmao, yeh, i hope its got my smarts too. i wont kill Bubba, but he is so marked for nappy duties for the next 3 venom - thats so cute your keeping up on your calander. lol.
[bold]Could it be twins[/bold] 13th June, baby girl, 7lbs 4oz, and they will name her honour of me........LOL Many congrats anyway for your up and coming newcomer(s), I think you'll both make great parents, I hope we shall be seeing lots of photo's and a new 'sticky' introduced to the safety valve for new borns............. Then it'll be dirty nappies, baby spew, and lots of hugs............ Will you be asking any Afterdawn members to be god parents, now that would be a great party - International Internet Christening. (hmmm, maybe a good business idea aswell....LOL) Raises a glass............all the best......
whew..i'll be at the 38th Week on Monday aussie time, so the countdown will begin..coz thats the day i predicted bubs arrival. good luck to you all...and i hope this lil bugger comes sooner than later.