We have checked this order as follows: non UK customer purchased UK 3 pin product with UK shipping option but wanted shipping in Europe. The parcel as far as we can tell got stuck at customs as it was not marked correctly for EU shipment., this was never returned. As soon as we were made aware by paypal that the goods had not arrived we refunded instantly. There are very very other EU counties that use 3pin plugs so it was though better to not offer these within the EU hence only UK shipping options available. The phone system is not setup to allow EU calls for the same reason, we did not have a need to pay the extra for a service that would not be applicable on the phone service contract. As a side note the shipping system has been updated as soon as the happened to make this even clearer on UK posting. We are sorry jackoooh for the delay and resolved quickly when notifed via paypal who did not need to intervene past first contact. Regards and apologies Richard