Minä en noista prestigeistä niin paljoa tiiä mutta kun kerran jouduin sellaseen peliin mikä oli hakkeroitu ja kun tulin pois niin olin level 70, painoin sieltä jostain asetuksista "prestige mode" ja levellit noollaantui. Siitä lähtien muistaakseni se alkoi tekemään tuota ongelmaa.
Onko jollain ollu tänää ongelmia pelailla ku steam näyttää koko ajan ''no connection'' niin ajattelin vaan että onko päivästä vaan kiinni ettei pääse pelaa ?
Kysymys, oli joskus tollanen Prestige Hackki otettu ukolle, nyt menin sitten poistamaan Stats tiedostot Steamistä, jotta kaikki nollaantuu. No, kaikki nollaantu, ja rankit ja kaikki alko alusta, mutta tapot ja muut ei kerry barrackeihin? Lvl 4 ja eka prestige nytten. Alkaako ne vasta tietyn levelin jälkee kertyy?
Kysymys, oli joskus tollanen Prestige Hackki otettu ukolle, nyt menin sitten poistamaan Stats tiedostot Steamistä, jotta kaikki nollaantuu. No, kaikki nollaantu, ja rankit ja kaikki alko alusta, mutta tapot ja muut ei kerry barrackeihin? Lvl 4 ja eka prestige nytten. Alkaako ne vasta tietyn levelin jälkee kertyy?
kyllä niiden sinne pitäisi alkaa kertymään, siis oletko pelannut jo ekaan prestigeen asti sillein että ne ei ole tullut. mutta kannattaa tehdä se uudestaan, jos alkas si toimii.
Hey! Mulla on tän pelin kans pientä ropleemaa. Eli kun käynnistän pelin, se toimii normaalisti about 20-30min ja sit jumahtaa totaalisesti. Äänet jää taustalle tärräämään ja näyttö vetäsee kokonaan mustaks, tähän ei auta muu kuin 5sek virtaa pohjassa jollon kone sammuu ja sit uus käynnistys ja eteenpäin. Mielenkiintonen homma sen takia, että peli toimi aluksi normaalisti mutta formatoinnin jälkeen tehnyt tätä. Onkohan jottain vinkkejä tai samaa vikaa ollut muilla? Edit: Uusi käänne näin kuukauden yrittelyn jälkeen. Nyt ei jääny enää äänet jummaan taustalle vaan kone yksinkertasesti cräshäs. Asiat joita koittanut: Re-Install Kotelon puhdistus pölyistä Resojen ym. laskeminen Kiitoksia etukäteen, -W84m.
Terve. Kenelläkään tietoa tälläisestä? ocalized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_round_length' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_bomb_timer' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_plant_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_defuse_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_round_switch' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sd_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_bomb_timer' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_plant_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_defuse_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_sab_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dom_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_ctf_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dm_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_score_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_hq_hold_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_hq_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_koth_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_time_limit' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_round_switch' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_bomb_timer' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_plant_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_defuse_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_add_time' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_spectating' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_max_health' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/patch_mp_menus.txt' of type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp GamerProfile - Updating for controller #0 without saving. --- Common Initialization Complete --- Waited 4 msec for asset 'ui_mp/menus.txt' of type 'menufile'. Working directory: c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 2 Using profile source cloud (l:0 c:0) NAT-PMP: Sending 2 byte packet to NAT-PMP: Sent 2 bytes NAT-PMP: Sending 2 byte packet to NAT-PMP: Sent 2 bytes Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/_animatedmodels.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/_utility.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/perks/_perkfunctions.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/killstreaks/_killstreaks.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/killstreaks/_airstrike.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/killstreaks/_helicopter.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/killstreaks/_airdrop.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_class.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_missions.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_music_and_dialog.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_rank.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/koth.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_damage.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/dd.gsc' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp NAT-PMP: Sending 2 byte packet to NAT-PMP: Sent 2 bytes Ignoring asset 'airdrop_marker_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'airdrop_sentry_marker_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'airdrop_mega_marker_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp NAT-PMP: Sending 2 byte packet to NAT-PMP: Sent 2 bytes Ignoring asset 'model1887_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'model1887_akimbo_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'model1887_fmj_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'model1887_akimbo_fmj_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'muteplayer' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/muteplayer.menu' of type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'options_graphics' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_texture' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_defaults' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'options_voice' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'options_multi' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'pc_options_video' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'pc_options_advanced_video' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'apply_picmip_popmenu' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'pc_options_audio' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'pc_options_controls' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'pc_options_voice' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp NAT-PMP: error -7 reading response Found no UPNP devices to query Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 0 Clearing migration data Clearing migration data Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 1 Clearing migration data Clearing migration data Ignoring asset 'team_marinesopfor' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/team_marinesopfor.menu' of type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'class' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/class.menu' of type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Successfully read stats data from IWNet Ignoring asset 'vision/mp_backlot.vision' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'vision/mp_crash.vision' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'vision/mp_overgrown.vision' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'vision/mp_pipeline.vision' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'vision/mp_strike.vision' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'vision/mp_vacant.vision' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Ignoring asset 'animtrees/destructibles.atr' of type rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp Setting our NAT to Open Steam auth server ID is 0x14009ac58000c00 ******************Set External IP****************** Our external IP is Our internal IP is Sent to LSP: HELLO: LSPXUID 110000103a324fa - GT "TAIKATUKKA" - MID 0 - HD "yes" - WS "yes" - BTN "buttons_default" - STK "thumbstick_default" Steam denied login, reason 5 Cheat detected. -------------------------------- Tämä tulee siis kun avaa mw2, ja samantien pompsahtaa ruutuun. EDIT: Googlettamalla selvisi että pikkuveljeni onnistui juuri saamaan minulle Vac bännit hänen eilisellä wallhackillään.. No, aika ostaa Black Ops ilmeisesti.
en ainakaan minä ole huomannu mitään hidasteluja. Frapsilla ei oo tullu kokeitua (koneeni specsit on allekirjoituksessa)
Oletkos asennellut uusia pelejä? Yleensäkkin se kun muut pelit asentaa DX uudelleen on mulla aiheuttanut "outoja" FPS droppeja. Dunno why.
Hei! Minulla on myös tämä sama ongelma Call of duty Black opsin kanssa eli tulee tuo teksti DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error. Check the readme for possible solutions ja myös tämmöinen teksti tulee Direct3DDevice9:: Present failed: ran out of memory. Mitä pitäisi tehdä? Koneessani riittää tehot että se ei ole niistä kiingi joten mitä ihmettä?
Hei! Mulla on tämä sama ongelma call of duty black opsin kanssa eli tulee tuo teksti DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error. Check the readme for possible solutions ja myös tämä teksti ilmestyy single playerissä Direct3DDevice9:: Present failure: ran out of memory. Koneessa riittää tehot joten mikä on vika? Kiitoksia vastauksista jo etukäteen.
Päivitä directx Black Opsin kansiosta. Steam/steamapps/common/call of duty black ops/ ja jossain kansiosta löytyy.
Moi kuinka hyvin toimis tälläsel kokoonpanol? Amd Athlon 4200 x2 Ati radeon HD 4850 512Mb 4GB 800 Mhz ddr2 Windows Xp Professional sp 3 Kiitos jos vastailette
Hei ! Pyöriikö MW2 tälläsellä setillä ? AMD Phenom II 2x 555 black edition 3.2 GHz Powercolor HD4850 V3 PCI-E 512mb Geil Value+ 4GB DDR3 1600 Cl9 Dual Channel Kit Windows Home Premium 7 64-bit Nopeeta vastausta