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Call to all Christians and jew! Help Destroy freemasonry before its to late!!!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by 7Crusader, Feb 10, 2005.

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  1. 7Crusader

    7Crusader Guest

    im deciding to stop all this because obviosly people just arent ready yet, but when you see the end times coming, remember that one boy, that one time, that warned you, theres not much you can do but keep digging deeper, pray at least once a day and read some of the bible now and then ok? you can obviosly see the true nature of the enemy, they dont give up, just be reasured knowing there are god loving powers out there, mine is currently reinforcing for insured group/divisional survival/counter attack. this has all been very fun. THANKS EVERYONE! god bless, "woke up this morning and i grabbed myself a beer, the futures uncertain and the end is always near"
  2. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    i didnt like your link maybe try this one instead:


    Mate i think its time you got off the sauce ,dont you
  3. 7Crusader

    7Crusader Guest

    hey, im german,irish,and checklosvokian i like to drink-mate
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i'm part french canadian, irish, english, texan & possibly part north american indian, proud of it & i don't drink so what is your reason, religous man!!!
  5. 7Crusader

    7Crusader Guest

    well im very happy for you
  6. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    the end times are always near, yet people never want to admit it. at any given moment, less than a dozen people are watching the skies for possible meterite strikes. they can only cover about 15% of the space above us. or, the end may come in the form of a huge solar flare, consistent with those of other suns similar to our own, that is literally thousands of times more powerful than those we experience every 11 years. it would wipe out all life on earth in a week. or, go even further, and think of the seven year tribulation. has the antichrist risen yet? that's gonna bite, when/if it happens. some things can't be stopped. you have to put your foot in when you can, but don't trip yourself; the "ride" (or in this analogy, "walk") is meant to be enjoyed. bio con dios.
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    What exactly led you to AfterDawn? Why post your psycho-babble here? Do we have links up at religious zealotry or doomsday websites? Do you back up DVDs or PC games?
  8. brent1a

    brent1a Member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    I also wonder how someone can have such an awesome IQ
    and not be able to spell or create properly structured
    sentences. I would put all my money on this being a young
    kid, or anybody for that matter, trying to stir some sh*t up on
    the forums just to see what happens. If anything I'm guessing
    this person went and saw National Treasure and probably
    thought it was a History Channel production based on historic
    So according to this persons views there IS a Cigarette-
    Smoking-Man and he does just sit around and decide who
    wins the Superbowl and who becomes president of the AFL-
    CIO. And then there are a group of the world's wealthiest men
    who sit in a dark smoky room and plot things. I mean it
    doesn't take a certified genius to see how illogical that
    thinking is. How many things happen in this world SECOND BY
    SECOND? And this person is going to tell me he KNOWS that
    there is a human bein gout there in total control deciding the
    outcome of everything? Ridiculous. Obviously the US Gov't
    hasn't and never will be in total control of itself (ie the
    torturing crap thats happened) let alone have a secret society
    intertwined within it. People seem to forget that back in the
    1700s, and whenever all these societies started, that the total
    Earth poulation was what an 8th of what it is today? Of
    course it would be a million times easier to control things
    back then, not too mention that any longstanding conspiracy
    would have had to have a contigency that the Earth's
    population would be almost 6,500,000,000 now, and I
    seriously doubt that good ol' G. Washington and Ben Franklin
    could've seen a world population like this a comin'. Making
    decisions and deciding the fate for 6,497,982,550+ people
    would have to encompass a secret society/conspiracy that is
    totally visible and not so secret.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2005
  9. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    the truth of the matter is he has tried every other website under the sun but this is the only one that has allowed him to endure.Maybe its time to put him out of his misery .Pull the plug please some one.
  10. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    awww, give it a while longer. this is a good crap thread.
  11. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    Being Sunday and a time to reflect and give of one's self I'd like to offer a sig gif to the host of this thread, 7Crusader.

    I'll keep it here for today, but when tomorrow comes, I'll revert back to the sinner that I am and [bold]pull it in a heartbeat![/bold] <G>

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2005
  12. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    you got the kewpie, scuba! ;_; and i was only one post away!
  13. 7Crusader

    7Crusader Guest

    brenta seems to just be pulling his information out of the air, nothing ive mentioned at all have been in any movies, actually in history books. Albert pike did exist, his statue is in washington d.c., he was the leader of the north american freemasonry movement, he did write in 1870 that there would be three world wars, and that the third would be between isreal and its arab neighbors(at the time isreal did not exist and there had not even been ww1 yet) he openly addmitted to being part of a lucifieran group. So you can throw your opinions around as much as you want, but none of it changes the HISTORICAL FACTS that the leader of the north american freemasonry movement knew in 1870 with detail how ww1 ww2 and ww3 would happen. And regarding ww3 that hasent happend, {THE US HOUSE OF REPRESENATIVES TASK FORCE ON UNCONVENTIONAL WAR AND TERRORISM, PREPARING FOR THE NEXT PHASE OF ARAB-ISREALI FIGHTING- since 1996 syria, iran, iraq, egypt, and pakistan have been stockpiling {NBC} nuclear biological and conventional weapons for a massive war of ahnialation against there isreali neighbor.} This is what our own government put out in 2000. its not a lie, its not an opinion, this statement was released, its public record and complete FACTUAL INFORMATION. And as to my "awsome" i.q. its only 128,(just below genius but higher than 75 percent of world population} and maybe id structure my sentences right if i was writing to someone of any importantance. but anyway its sunday so stop making it so negative!! God bless you all, relax kick back chill out! its what god did!
  14. brent1a

    brent1a Member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    Blah blah blah so what do you propose? If this is a problem then how do we solve it? Since this is all factual and the events of the world were predetermined by one guy or whatever 100 years ago then what are we supposed to do? You are the leader O Great One, and l shall follow. Are we supposed to ovethrow the evil governemtn and let religious anarchy reign or what? I don't get the point, or "endproduct", of all these radical statements. Besides, shouldn't you be with Susan Sarandon checking your phone for gov't taps and black helicopters following you around?
  15. 7Crusader

    7Crusader Guest

    All im trying to do is spread some info that some people would like to know, and obviosly some dont, thats the great part about this country(at least for a little while longer) is that no one is forcing you to write here on this forum, so if you dont like what i say, you can keep putting up child-like opinion based argument or u can leave. god bless you, maybe ill run into someday and ill take you out for stake and a guiness, maybe ill even find you a girl so you can get laid and relax. God bless
  16. 7Crusader

    7Crusader Guest

    oh yeah, this message isnt to anyone directly, but i just wanted to know if anyone noticed that freemasons trying to defend there group start making death threats? kind of contradicting isnt it? "yes were charitable and nice, be we shoot people"?Great way to presurve your charitable image huh? and then theres the others who use essentialy the "Johny Cochran Chewbaca defense"{were johny cochran gets up on the stand and starts talking about chewbaca witch has nothing to do with anything}witch is what alot of people on here use, talk about something that has nothing to do with the subject, talking with no point of referance. well anyway i just thought it was funny. god bless!
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    you'll be the 1 leaving & not us!! so far 3 moderators have been here so what till drd gets here & see what he says or do as i think this thread will be closed soon & your status to inactive/banned!!!!
  18. 7Crusader

    7Crusader Guest

    Well if that isnt jelousy over the fact that your threads get 1-3 posts and mine get 50+ on the first shot then i dont know what is. and guess what, i got a secret, it deosent fusking matter if im inactive/banned because within 5:00 min. ill have a new name and a new thread, thanks for pre warning me though, by the time you read this message i should have about 10 different names on here{already had an extra one encase i get banned but since reading your last post i decided to multiply, not to mention my other followers on this forum site} so it looks like your a dollar short again,{his wife tells me a few inches short to} lmfao
  19. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    you've been watching to much of the x-files
  20. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    I'm a bit confused here. First God Bless everyone then the "F" word. I've heard of turn the other cheek, but it seems that now it's coming out the wrong cheeks, like your butt! No consistency here.

    That's it. I'm taking my Crusader gif back.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2005
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