wait foxclan is inactive 2! wow 4 acounts... creaky wats up /w that? did they break a rule of some sort?
@fpxdragon - considering those are your first 2 replies and considering what's in your signature, why would you say to me "Congrats creaky! " and ask about bannings...?
dude just cus i dont post dosent meen im not folowing this forum + i also use the soft ware and guides so dont think im that new... oh sorry didnt see ur last post to busy typing no i dont no them and dont have anything to do /w them but i was following the chain and found it funny that they all disapeared with in a day. and about the sig well... i just like it thats all
i had a conflict with a member about taking sigs (the member nrautava) i dont know what happened to hime but i remember i wound up making a sig for both of us, so i guess if you want to steal someones sig you'll have to ask them first <?> is that right creaky...
LOL nice ireland! Hey mabey creaky should ban that one too? but siriously, i dont think they would mind about the sig considering there all gone... the question is would the mods mind if i used it?
@fpxdragon - i take it you won't be offended if i keep an eye on your threads then, just to make sure those foxes don't give you any grief of course
oh creaky can u promote me to member(it a long shot)lol cuz having to wait 3 mins to post is very annoying... @ireland r u and ddp and auslander all like... in some wolf related clan? @ddp wolves may beet foxes but, Dragons completly own wolves
@ fpxdragon: well give it time and you'll be a member Newbie to Junior Member -- 25 posts Junior Member to Member -- 100 posts Member to Senior Member -- 500 posts Senior Member to Addict -- 2500 posts anyone to Moderator -- determination and bribes to admins anyone to Admin -- decent six-figure (euros or dollars, we are not picky) lump sum to AfterDawn's Swiss bank account @ auslander: that IP ban you mention, think they were saying that , that's a bit hard to enforce.........
fpxdragon: as far as i know, ireland, ddp, and i are not in any wolf-related clan together. i'm just a furry and those two found some cool (and rather meaningful) images to employ in the war against the "fox clan" that popped out. andmerr: shhhh, i know, but it's still a good way to shut'em up sometimes. geeze, keep a secret!