@Phantom, make sure it has a picture of foxpawz (or 1 of his aliases) @Creaky, hope you have a restful night, cant wait til morning to see whats been going on.
@phantom69 - i do like the skulls but there'll end up being too many of them around. i'll have to have a think as i have no idea at all. maybe you can have a think when you get chance LOL @gwendolin - all seems quiet at the moment on the little red fella. i've been busy chasing round the little tikes in the console threads, gosh some of those threads are childish beyond all belief :O @andmerr - lmao re Nero
what a sign of respect, i am about to call andmerr (my manager) a smarta$$... andmerr you are a smarta$$... j/k remember [bold]the portable ban button[/bold] no but creaky, dont forget that you can just throw a couple of your ideas at me and i will see what i can do
lol i am indeed portable, but am hols for 2days so have PC access, so watch out little tikes @phantom69 - cheers, thinking..
its about how to become a moderator by the way is there anyway i can change my status to cracked out lol
with 10 minutes of hard work the links in my sig, however with that tut, its only very basic stuff, you can only od really simple animations with the app i used there but can create the greatest looking images anybody has ever seen... i use two apps, the one in the tut, to create the background and the renders and effects, then another to put an animation in.