Can DTS playback 24bit 48KHz WAVs?

Discussion in 'High resolution audio' started by gctes, May 1, 2007.

  1. wilkes

    wilkes Regular member

    May 31, 2003
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    Nobody's denying this - what is called into question is the oft-repeated statement that all DVD-V players can handle a 24/96 2.0 stream.
    From a DVD-A player, unless the firmware is set wrong, I seriously doubt that there are any players with DVD-A capability that cannot handle 24/96 PCM Stereo. Where output might well not occur is in the following conditions:
    1 - Copy Protected disc.
    2 - Trying to output 24/96 down CoAxial or TOS-Link SP-DIF consumer connections. (Digital Out in DVD-V at anything over 16/48 is optional).
    3 - Firmware in the player set to truncate and/or downsample.
    As an example, the CA 540D Azur will not output 24/96 Stereo reliably down the CoAxial line, but from the 2 RCA outputs there is no problem.

    Different chips?
    Possibly. But only on the analogue outputs, never the digital.
    My Denons have 4 DAC chips in there:
    3 for the DVD-A Multichannel outputs, and a 4th for the L/R outputs.
    That covers all the analogue output options. Passing down SP-DIF, TOSlink, CoAxial etc does not require any chips at all, as nothing is being decoded.
    Last edited: May 23, 2007
  2. yo4yo4

    yo4yo4 Guest

    BlazeVideo Music DVD Creator will make a DTS DVD from 24bit 48kHz DTS .wavs. (use dvdshrink to make finished VIDEO_TS folder from Music DVD Creator into an .iso and can also add multiple DTS albums that you make with Music DVD Creator together.) cannot preview within Music DVD Creator but finished DVD will be 24/48 DTS




    DVD-lab PRO 2 will also make a DTS DVD from 24bit 48kHz .dts files but is not as easy to use.
  3. gctes

    gctes Member

    May 1, 2007
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    Will check it out
  4. yo4yo4

    yo4yo4 Guest

    ***link removed***
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2007
  5. wilkes

    wilkes Regular member

    May 31, 2003
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    This is a fudge (not to mention the download is an illegal one) and will produce a disc that is not in spec for DVD-Video.
    The DVD rules state that Audio #1 must be either LPCM or Dolby Digital.
    A DTS-WAV track, when played back through an ordinary amplifier, will output white noise, and not DTS multichannel.
    DTS-WAV remember is a fake header, and also doing this at 48KHz (which it MUST be for DVD-Video to even import the file) mnay also play back at the wrong speed - DTS-WAV should be encoded at 44.1KHz, not 48KHz.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    yo4yo4, no links to pirates material.
  7. gctes

    gctes Member

    May 1, 2007
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    Forgive me for asking but what exactly is "a fudge".(In English it's a kind of soft toffee)

    Does this mean that this method won't work at all?- that I will just get a noise out of my DVD player, or that I will get music played back at a lower quality than 24/48 -apart from the illegal software element?
  8. yo4yo4

    yo4yo4 Guest

    what DVD Rules? plays fine on my DVD player and DTS-CD's for sure.

    this does work...for sure.

    sounds killer in my yamaha DVD player and receiver. kicks ass on ANY DTS-CD and even as good as 6ch 48/24 DVD-A and has on-screen lyrics or video to boot as well as being able to put 4-6 full albums on 1 DVD. or i can even burn 1 album to a regular CDR/RW but not all dvd players will recognize a CDR(mini DVD).


    here is a sample song (30mb)that i made from 6ch 96/24 MLPs that i ripped from real DVD-Audio. converted mlps to 6 48/32 mono .wavs(yes 32 bit)and then made a DTS .wav from those mono wavs with surcode dts dvd, took screenshot of lyric screen, used music dvd creator, added screenshot for background pic, used dvd shrink to remove crappy/worthless menu that dvd audio creator makes.

    can also make into .dts files and use dvd-lab pro.

    DTS DVDS made with either DVD-lab pro or music dvd creator will not play correctly on xbox 360 though. even with dolby for audio track 1. it plays the dolby fine but the DTS skips (with or without dolby track). possibly because i use 6 48/32 mono wavs in surcode dts.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2007
  9. yo4yo4

    yo4yo4 Guest

    if you want to just play back 2ch 48/24 or 2ch 96/24 wavs then use DVD2one V2 or Goland Audio DVD Creator. DVD lab pro will also work.

  10. wilkes

    wilkes Regular member

    May 31, 2003
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    This functionality is Player Dependant and is simply not guaranteed to work.
    You're out of spec as well, and these type of discs xcannot be used for a serious project because they cannot be replicated & carry the DVD logo.
    It's certainly not as good as a 24/48 5.1 DVD-A - do the maths.
    DTS-CD type wav is 1536kbps and is a lossy stream.
    DVD-A is uncompressed - full bitrate 24/48 5.1 is around 6000kbps.
    DVD Specifications state that Audio Stream #1 must be LPCM or Dolby Digital. NOT DTS, as DTS is an optionally supported codec.

    If it works for you, fine - bu8t do not - please - tell people this is guaranteed to work, because it isn't.
  11. yo4yo4

    yo4yo4 Guest

    it will work on pc...for sure(i use cyberlink powerdvd or nero 8 using SPDIF to connect to receiver). and im willing to bet that will work on most standalone DTS DVD players/systems. plays back thru all outputs(digital,coax,or 6rcas) on my setup. if someone cannot play on their DVD player then please post.

    besides this is usefull for people that do not have dvd-a players. also is a fraction of the size of dvd-a's and only like 100+mb more than DTS-CD's, and if you are lucky your dvd player will play even when burned to regular CDR. not sure what difference using 48/32 monos instead of 48/24or16...i know the 48/32 dts.wav ends up being slightly bigger.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2007
  12. wilkes

    wilkes Regular member

    May 31, 2003
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    Why will some people just not listen?
    What a waste of time even trying.....
    Just because it works for you means zip.
    I know of several players this fails on.
    It's like the "I can write an MLP file to DVD-R and play it".
    Works on some players, noy on all as it is - and I cannot stress this highly enough - OUT OF THE DVD SPECIFICATIONS.
    This means it may work, it may not.
    Even DTS state this categorically on their website.
    DTS-CD, or DTS-WAV, should be at 44.1KHz, not 48KHZ.
    Some players will play this too fast.
    Some will not play it at all.
    Others will output White Noise.

    Create Out Of Spec discs at your own risk.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2007
  13. yo4yo4

    yo4yo4 Guest

    can you buy a DTS-CD?

    i would think most players would be able to play a DTS DVD before a DTS-CD. i have never once seen a REAL DTS-CD that you can buy. XBOX dont play DTS-CDs(at all) and cheaper DVD players dont play DTS-CDs. anyways what are you DTS Police. every body knows how to make a DTS-CD anyhow, but many did not know that music dvd creator could make a DTS DVD, whether its non compliant or not. its not like the dvd players gunna blow up if it doesnt happen to play a DTS DVD made this way. and if it plays on my computer using powerdvd or nero showtime 4 then it will play on ANYBODIES computer(PC). i only have a 2ch soundcard.

    anyways the poster asked if there was a way to play 48kHz dts wavs and that was the person i was type'n to.

    ok it is not guarenteed to work on all stand alone dvd players, but DTS-CDs are not quarenteed to work either.
  14. wilkes

    wilkes Regular member

    May 31, 2003
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    See and look up "Surround Music".
    There are a LOT of these.

    X-Box is a games console, and as with PS2 needs to have it's digital audio reset to DTS mode.
    Encoding DTS-CD type files (which should be 44.1KHz sample rate) to a fake stereo LPCM , and adding this to a DVD-V disc, is NOT the same thing as a DTS DVD. DTS-DVD compatible files use the extensions .dts or .cpt, depending on usage of compact or padded versions. And these are at 48KHz sample rates, not 44.1
    Get a grip here, and for crying out loud go & learn what you are talking about.
    DTS police? No, just someone who is trying to make certain that the correct answers are being given here. I can easily forsee someone following your bad advice, and ending up with White Noise blasting out of their setup, blowing the speaker cones.

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