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Can someone show me step by step how to

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by skywatchr, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. skywatchr

    skywatchr Guest

    False alarm, I hope. She left a wee plug in the back and it was in the wrong hole (cable out)and I attached the cable lead into it. I've switched it to a different spot and they're loading now. Whew!
  2. skywatchr

    skywatchr Guest

    Her channels are in a mess. She had about 500, mostly doubles and a few important ones missing, and expected me to sort her menu for her. I sorted my own last night and am left with about 140, all in a neat order(I'm funny that way), so I'll now try to get my menu onto hers. Is that what you call a bin file?
  3. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Ok I'll explain

    Connect HER Starvi*w to yours with the NULL MODEM CABLE , put HERS on standby

    Press the remote to YOUR b0x and Menu > User Setup > SW Transfer > Channel data and your list of stations in order will transfer to HER box lol
  4. skywatchr

    skywatchr Guest

    That sounds easy. And if I want to put my list onto the PC for future use is it basically the same thing? The modem cable is the one I use for the PC too right? The grey one?
  5. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Yes the NULL MODEM CABLE is the grey lead you use to update the firmware , its easy to do a channel transfer from b0x to b0x and you could create a CHANNEL DUMP , thats the list of channels you have and can save them on to your PC

    Basically you connect the SV to your PC and open gt rom loader , instead of clicking download , you click UPLOAD , name the file your uploading (E.G. N*L DUBLIN CHANNEL DUMP )to the PC and it does ot for you
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2007
  6. skywatchr

    skywatchr Guest

    Great. I've put my channel menu on hers and checked it. All's fine. I'll now put mine on the dump till I get my dad one for Crimbo and do his. Thanks again everyone.
    Hopefully I'll not pester you lot for a long while but I'll keep subscribing to some of the threads so when they change the numbers again I'll know in my email and I'll get them from my own TV and post them a.s.a.p.
  7. Celtic71

    Celtic71 Active member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Well done :)

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