It doesn't matter any more my parent will probley cancle my insurent and take my license away. When i get that mail My life will be over. I will be groudned untill i die. I'll let you guys know when times pass. Life is so unfair and full of shi%. I mean come on i'm just a kid. If you have the power to ruin my life why would you do it? People sometimes make mistakes. But it's not something to ruin my life. If i the person i would never report it or something. Cause it was an accient and no one got hurt. But there are some assh#les and selfish people who live with 20 cats by themself, who have nothing eles to do but ruin peoples life. I will keep you guys updated to see what happends. BUT plz ad memebers. If you have power to ruin peoples life don't do it unless you would have to. I mean if it was your sitation you probly don't want any ticket. So plz return the favors to the world who did nice things. I have never ever ruined someones eles life. I always cared about others. But now I don't care anymore. If i ever done something to make someone so sad or angry i would never forgive myself.
well, i got the cost. $3220.58 USD. needless to say, i had to go to my insurance company. they said the doors weren't worth saving. oh well. such is life.
OUCH that hurts auslander. where did you end up going? have you talked to your insurence company yet?
i'm having it all done at Mann's. they back their stuff with a no questions asked, lifetime warranty, and they do a good quality job. insurance will cover it, but my premium is screwed for about 5 years.
Auslander...find the nearest trade school that teaches auto body and post a sign. You'll get it fixed good and cheap. I use to do it all the time.
nearest one that i know of is a few hours away. didn't want to risk it with the car; it's a 20 minute drive to the shop, and i like the guarantee. lol, they do good work. they're the shop that made the batmobile for the first two batman movies, and they also work on Jay Leno's cars.
You know what really caused this, don't you? Think back over the last couple of days; what did you do to temp fate? You not only washed you car...YOU WAXED IT!! Bad luck guy. An invitation to murphy's devastating law if ever I saw one. Dont ever wash or wax your car again!
You guys should think yourselves very lucky. My eldest girl who is 18 insured her car last year (and it is a small hatchback with a small engine and she was a learner at the time), for £1750 (about $3000). My insurance this year (and i have been driving for nearly 20 yrs) was £550 and i am not driving a large or exceedingly sporty car by any means. Insurance in the UK (and Northern Ireland in particular) has been high for what seems forever. I would take $615 every 6 mths quite happily!
@gerry1 i dont know if auslander could do that, some people can go for months w/o washing their car (take me for instance, my car hasnt been washed in forever. the only time it does get one is when it rains...) but i dont think ive ever seen the suuby really all that dirty, and i dont blame him either, its to nice a car to be dirty. i think i pay about six something every six months for full coverage for my car. it would have ben higher cause i got into a small fender bender but we reached an agreement so she didnt report it to insurance.
i actually washed my car the day before this happened, on friday. my whole immediate family is on one plan at the moment. between 4 and 5 grand a year for five cars. get this: the one that costs the most to insure is our '96 extremely stripped and standard dodge ram. wtf? it was a few grand less, new, than my '05 impreza, but it's quite a bit more to insure. arg. oh well.
That really sucks Aus, but don't sweat it. You can have it as bad as me. I'm paying over a grand a year on my '91 Chevy Cavilier!! And that's not even for full coverage! Plus my mom has serperate insurance, which is about 560 or so a year. See, you could have it worse
lol, i suppose so. *cries* right now i'm in mourning for my original parts i think deer are conspiring against us. right now, bambo is in the woods with an m-60...watching and waiting
yeah its like that old comp game "deer hunters revenge" the deer make these crazy weapons and shoot the crap out of the rednecks deepest sympathies, guy, didn't mean to make light of your woes. @polyarny: guess you and I are alike in that sense. I always had something better to do than wash my car and I've had some beauties...about once a year, I'd wash it, buff it out until it looked like a mirror and not touch it again for another year. @Ktulu14: Insurance costs here depend on where you live. Since 1993, I've rented cars when I need them because I live in downtown Philadelphia. In 1993, I'd already had my driver's license for 25 years, no accidents on my insurance (which is not to say there were no accidents LOL) and my insurance was just a hair under $3000 a year...and that was thirteen years ago ... it was brand new, an SUV which weren't so common in those days etc. etc. but still a frekin' fortune. Add to that a parking garage to put it in because sure as sh** someone will hit it sooner or later. What was worse, I never took it out of the garage; in the city, it was easier to just walk. Now I rent cars; probably costs me $500 a year. I do own a 1965 Chrysler Imperial coupe convertible but it's garaged in New England and my brother in law puts it in car shows...447 hemi, holly dual feed carb and gets about 4 mile a gallon LOL! (Gas was like .30 cents a gallon in those days). @right682: how are making out buddy? Have you chilled out a bit? I think auslander is right and that you're ok.
@gerry1 I'm still nervous. I haven't told my parents still. I haven't drive ever since. I"m not going to drive for a whole month and see if anything shows up. I feel like i'm going to have an car accident when i start driving again.
@rihgt682: That's just the anxiety of the whole situation building on you. I would recommend staying away from that site for a while and hope that the whole thing blows over. @Auslander: I feel your pain, plus I'd add some for you messing up your car so bad! LOL
finally got my car back tonight! yay! my left foot has been bored for about three weeks, and now it has something to do! i had to pick it up in the dark, though...i'll post some pics in the morning.
the bill was a little over $3500, but my insurance company wrote out a check for about $3000. paying $500 wasn't that bad