I could not find a answer to your question when I was looking. But all those classes that they list are classes recommended that a person should take if interested in entering that field of work. If this wasn't a good enough answer or if you have more questions let me know.
Sniping_G...i've been asked to give you advice (and my ass was kissed thoroughly enough to agree to it)...so what kind of advice are you looking for now? did you pick a career? lol...from looking at your list, all i have to say is, take math. no matter how dumb you are at math, that's what TA's and instructors' office hours are for. and study groups. and internet help sites. and friends. math it up. it's hard to get anywhere without a good knowledge of math anymore. algebra, trig, calc I, calc II, calc III, differential calculus and up...just take it all. while i'm suggesting things, i have two other class selections to make. first, take psychology. learn how people function...all the details of behavior that give away true feelings, emotions, etc. you'll learn how to manipulate your bosses, coworkers, and customers in any situation, and this will give you an amazing edge as well as reduce your personal stress levels. second, take a foreign language. this will be a good escape from the drudgery of your other classes, and generally proves fun, as a good foreign language is like a code to the common person around. plus, this adds the ability to translate to your resume, making you an even more invaluable employee.
@gerry1 and Auslander Thanks for replying to this thread. You guys know what your talking about. As I am still a student I can only give limited answers but you guys shold really help Sniping out. Good luck Sniping_G
i'm only a freshman in college; i've just had a lot of life experience to do with the ol' cranium internals. *edit* you're not a helping hand to forget, Peas ^.^
sry guys for the late post...,thx again with helping me out @gerry1 ,thx for helping me,ill send u a pm right now with the info The thing is i enjoy computers but im not sure im gunna be qualified hopefully after i get sum feedback ill know whats the right path to take @PeaInAPod,so you need to take those,it says recomemed so i want like what i meed to get in the uni/col @Auslander whats the point of taking all those types of math if ur gunna get like a 60? dont uni.col look for highaverages?,also im 1 year behind in math so im gunna make up in summerschool,im taking SAP(sociology,anthropolygy,pscology) right now so most likyly i will do it next year,my school doesnt offere other launguages bside french which is a B**** to learn,only took it in grade 9 then i never looked back
Thanks for the comment Auslander I really wish I could be more help Sniping_G but I tend to get lost in careercruising layout and that was all I really had going for this topic.
Sniping_G: high averages are only part of it, buddy. schools grade different ways and many teachers pad grades to make themselves appear more proficient or to otherwise meet standards passed by inept government officials looking to get re-elected. in turn, institutes of higher education also examine your coursework. they look to see how many advanced classes you took as well as the diversity of your classes. extra-curricular activities, teacher aiding, and volunteering all help, as well.
OHH IC,well im not currenty taking extra curicular activities right now ,but i will now, i have like 20 hours working a the auto shop lol,but i dont think they will care,ill try to find sum place that needs hel with pc's or sumtin
actually, work experience looks good, too. that show's you have a responsible and independent spirit and would most likely not have a problem working hard in school.
or get a ged, GED (General Educational Development) Upon attaining minimum standard scores of 410 on each of the 5 tests and a total score of 2250, a high school diploma equivalency is awarded to the student by the State Board of the Community College System. The GED test consists of five tests (Language Arts Writing, Social Studies, Science, Language Arts Reading, and Mathematics). To explore the GED Testing Service Website, click here. http://www.acenet.edu/AM/Template.cfm?Section=GEDTS * The GED Tests allow people to prove what they know. * The GED Tests demand achievement. * The GED Tests offer an opportunity to grow. * GED credential holders serve the mosaic of the world.
i don't think they have GED's in canada, ireland...or at least not by our system. considering 40 hours is your minimum, i would at least try to double that. also, work in a variety of places to show you have a range of interests and social responsibilities.
you might be surprised. common places are fire houses, police departments, animals shelters, food pantries, etc.