CECT Iphone P168

Discussion in 'General mobile discussion' started by Sethane, Aug 4, 2007.

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  1. w8asa

    w8asa Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    It's easy. Have the phone turned off and plug it into your computer, which will recognize the memory card as an external drive. Load whatever you want onto the card, and use the phone's menus to play the videos or songs. You can also use the songs you download as ringtones.
  2. msmsms

    msmsms Guest

    why nobody worry with the more important ''headphones'' nobody like listen music with quality here?
    i want move the headphones so much, i already try find other headphones with the same cabe but i cant find, adaptor seen dont exists too.
    if someone already resolved this problem please help me
    i like my iphone cect but the more important to me is listen music on it with a good headphones and without this i guess that is better i sell it :(
  3. choicefr

    choicefr Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    hi mate
    Dont worry now you all problem will be solved. you can solve your problem which is similary to my one friend he was very much tired with the china's product so he search for other brands and got his reply. So it is no necssary to stick to one brand there are so many others which provide better quality and compatibility product you may search here ( headphone ) for your solution.

    He is very much satisfied here if you want my view it would be better to go with this,

    ok dear try out your luck
    bye and have a nice day
  4. msmsms

    msmsms Guest

    but some this headphones is compatible with this iphone cect p168?
  5. meeshy

    meeshy Member

    Sep 15, 2007
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    hey i've just got cect 599 iphone and i've tried to get the gprs to work but can't do it yet... anybody no about o2 settings lol asked o2 they didn't know wat i was talking about. if not then i'll get another sim and use the net with that which 1 to get that will work though any ideas?
  6. tangw

    tangw Member

    Sep 16, 2007
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    hi i'm also looking for internet settings for o2 on my p168 but i have had no luck searching on the net can anyone help?
  7. Jess123

    Jess123 Guest

    how do i set up the internet for Cingular's MEdia Net? i cant figure it out. can anyone help me? thank you

    i've noticed that a few people are saying that it doesnt work for cingular. you have to be in a 1900 area, like where i live in NY.
  8. mibeje

    mibeje Guest

    Try this I use it for Cingular and I live in Va beach va...

    ***First Step***
    1.Main menu --> Select Services
    3.Select Data Account --> Select GPRS
    5.Select the first entry
    6.Edit the account name to whatever you would like
    7.Edit APN to wap.cingular (lowercase)
    9.Edit Password to CINGULAR1 (UPPERCASE)
    10.Edit Auth Type. to Secure
    11. Save

    Select Back --> Select Back

    ***Second Step***

    Select WAP
    1.Select Settings --> Edit Profile
    3.Select the first entry --> Edit Profile
    5.edit the name to whatever you would like
    6.Edit Homepage to http://device.home
    7.Edit Data Account to the Name you established in the First Step
    8.Edit Connection type to HTTP
    9.The IP address is and the port number is 8080
    10.Edit Username to WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM
    11.Edit Password to CINGULAR1
    Select back or done
    Select Activate Account

    You should now see a Black [G] in the upper left of your screen.

    To access the net select Services --> WAP --> Homepage.
    If it connects the Black [G] should turn Green


    Select Messages --> MMS --> Message Settings
    Select Server Profile
    Select the first entry
    Select Edit Profile
    Edit Rename Profile to whatever name you would like
    Edit Home Page to http://mmsc.cingular.com
    Edit Data Account to the same data account you created for WAP
    Edit Connection Type to HTTP the IP address is and the port is 8080
    Edit the Password to CINGULAR1 (UPPERCASE)

    Select Done or Save
    Make sure to activate the profile and you are good.
    Hope this helps!!
  9. yahooboy

    yahooboy Member

    Sep 16, 2007
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    cann you help me how to active the wap browser and the MMS please ?

    thank u
  10. mp3nmp4

    mp3nmp4 Guest

    the free english user manual is also available here.. this is the DigitalRise d718i Tri-band GSM iphone Clone which can be used in the US and can be used for the cect p168:

    DigitalRise d718i iPhone / CECT p168 English Manual

    You can email them at ChinaGrabber@yahoo.com and they'll get you to it fast!!
  11. Jess123

    Jess123 Guest

    worked great! thank you so much, couldn't have been aqnymore helpful.
  12. Jess123

    Jess123 Guest

    does anyone know how to install AIM and MSN Messangers on the CECT P168?
  13. ulaw4

    ulaw4 Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    i i have recently got the new cect apple phone (clone) and wanted to know if any1 has the manuel, in english if so you you please send it to me via email. at ulaw4@hotmail.com. many thanks
  14. ulaw4

    ulaw4 Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    please help me find the settings my mail is ulaw4@hotmail.com many thanks and im on tmobile
  15. ulaw4

    ulaw4 Member

    Mar 16, 2007
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    please please please help, just put in my sim (tmobile) and i still cant use internet or mms. also how do you get all the applications on as well please healp. mant thanks. ulaw4. all under 1 heaven.
  16. razot

    razot Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    I recieved my cect and went to work on it immediately, here's what i know so far. For video, as someone has already stated use xilisoft 3gp converter, i have about 6 full length movies on my phone. the phone uses 3gp video format. As for audio i was concerned, because mp3 files are big, so i was able to convert mp3 to aac, and the reduction was from 4mb song to 1.6 mb song. since i want to put lots of music i kept trying and realized the the phone also uses amr file extension for music. i took at 4mb song down to 169 kb, and i'm still fine tuning it. I used Miksoft AMR conversion which is a free download on the internet. Changing the phone wallpaper is fairly easy also, just go to setting, display characteristics and you can use a jpeg wallpaper or a photo. Now i've recently found an ad that says the phone can handle a 2gb card. If someone is using a 2gb, please post a reply and let us know. I currently have a 1gb card inside. As for sim service i have cingular, and when i put the sim card in, it didn't pick my provider immediately. I went to network settings and selected ATT, and it works fine no problems. MMS, voicemail alert all good. That all i have for now, enjoy the phone it's a cool phone.
  17. njoyn69

    njoyn69 Guest

    Anyone able to figure this out? Also, Is there a way to lock the screen? My simplified chinese isn't that great so I'm having trouble. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. chaz493

    chaz493 Member

    Sep 17, 2007
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    hey there guys, since i have heard a lot of complaining about not being able to get good headphones for the CECT p168 i decided to provide a short walkthrough of how to change your phone headphones to any pair you want.

    What you will need:

    (1) pair of headphones you want to use

    (1) pair of headphones that came with your phone

    (1) soldering iron

    (1) package of solder

    (1) pair of wire snippers

    Step one:

    Pop open the plastic mic/button piece on your headphones that came with the phone. Then cut the wires so you still have some slack to work with.

    Step two:

    Cut the pair of headphones you want to use about half up from the headphone jack. Then strip the wires and keep them seperated. be sure to note which wires colors are together so you dont mix left and right up.

    Step three:

    warm up the soldering gun and get the solder ready. once warm, solder corresponding wires together. Like i said be sure to keep the appropriate wires paired together.

    Final step:

    Once soldered, put the wires inside the plastic mic/button case and snap it back together and there you go, now you have better headphones!
  19. Jess123

    Jess123 Guest

    what size do the videos have to be converted to in order work properly, i cant seem to figure it out. i searched for that program but couldnt find it, so i am trying a different program
  20. wtf69wtf

    wtf69wtf Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    thanx works like a charm
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