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Changes to the rules and forum functions -- please read!

Discussion in 'Forum announcements' started by Ketola, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. PCNetGuy

    PCNetGuy Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    New rules... I read em' - Good Luck on enforcing them!
    Seems like an awfully FINE line to me.

    Karen(2003) -- I take exception to your 2nd comment above about "Backup-copying YOUR OWN DVDs" being illegal in the US. It IS NOT illegal -- just cause the movie companies say so, doesn't make it so!
    The Judge's decision involving 321Studios ONLY says they cannot sell the software. It says or does NOTHING to make copying ONE's OWN DVDs illegal!

    "Use your head -- post smart." -- Yeah Right!
    Then there wouldn't ever BE any 'newbie bashing'!

  2. samintx

    samintx Regular member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    I thought Reuters reported last week the CA movie makers had lost the first round. Judge ruled you were allowed to make backups of movies. Thought I saw it on Yahoo news
  3. samintx

    samintx Regular member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    Welcome, samintx [Sign Out] Money Manager - My Yahoo! View - Customize
    Financial News

    US Court Rejects Movie, Music Makers' Piracy Claims
    Thursday August 19, 3:52 pm ET

    Does this mean 321 Studio is back in business along with other DVD rippers??????
  4. askyew

    askyew Regular member

    Jan 19, 2004
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    I am glad to see that the mods are now in control of what is piracy and what is not. If I think its inappropriate I will ignore it or report it as an offensive post. There had been alot of bad blood over it to a point I quit posting here for a while. It was over someone saying they had downloaded a movie and needed to convert it. I politely told him to be sure to read the rules so that the wording of his post would be within them. I was flamed by someone else for trying to be sure that he didn't get flamed. I did not even bother pointing him to the guide(any other time I would have)I just left. A few days later I came back to check and the person that was so quick to defend him didn't help him just flamed me.
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]P4 2.8c @ 3.2
    Abit IC7-G
    2x80 gb seagates barracudas
    ATI AIW 9600 soft mod by w1zzard
    2 x 256 pc 3200 Kingston valueram(hynix chips)[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2004
  5. Damon1

    Damon1 Regular member

    Jul 23, 2003
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    These new rules are a blessing, I've been helping newbies in Pm's about AVI to DVD questions, becuase if I'd answered the thread I'd know I'd get my ass ripped.

    It has gotten out of control, all the newbie ripping.
    I see some poor fellow getting caned by everyone all the time and I wonder why don't other people realise they were once in this person boots at some stage?

    Now at least I can answer in the thread, instead of Pm'ing a new person what they can say in a thread, and giving them the answer to their question and telling them not to be disheartened and that aD is really a great place.
  6. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I used have the same problem in a number of areas such as how to record streaming music. People have been recording cassettes from FM radio for decades but streaming music all of a sudden became a piracy issue.
  7. gbjay1

    gbjay1 Newbie

    May 26, 2003
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    Gee wiz! After being on this planet for a supposed X number of millions of years, you'd think we would've evolved intellectually enough that it was no longer necessary for us to continue with the pettiness of negative discrimination! If we aren't discriminating against someone because of their skin colour, sexual orientation, physical challenge, where they grew up, where they went to school, what neighborhood they live in, what clothing they wear or some other non-sensical thing, then for some odd reason, we pompously and arrogantly assume that we were born knowing what we learned from others and life.

    When a person does not know how to do something and you do know how it should be done, it only makes sense that you would and should take the time to inform your fellow Human Being. In all actuallity, each of us has been a Newbie at some point or time, in everything we do or have done!

    Keep in mind, no one is forced to make a Post or Reply-to-a-Post! Being courteous should not just be a an expectation!

    G. Bjay

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