got a six month cline which is terrible. got intouch with my supplier of the turd line and he asked me if my box supports MGCAMD which it does (apparently), he told me to download it and get back to him when ive done so. will this make a difference or is he just wasting another month of my time?
its a cam. explain. use oscam myself simply because i like to be a bit ahead and oscam is continually developed. mgcam and cccam both seem dead in the water currently. oscam has the developer support. i simply don't see that with other cams. That is not to say that any cam will continue to crack encryption systems. However I do hold faith in systems and images that are continually developed aka vix and oscam?
i have stopped cccam on the vu and just use mgcam and no problems yet,cant say whats ahead in wait for us.