time will tell i suppose my adult channels have been gone awhile only seemed to of lost setanta 1 recently. its a waiting game now i suppose. hows england dealing with this have anyone from there been affected?
oh really start with us in ireland then move on to england. they should be safe so for another few months so cause they took long enough to push it in over anyway with all the talk that was floating around- well down south anyway i know dublin on nteel had problems quite awhile. do the kryptview still work all stations up in dublin?
hi i was saying i lost the adult chan now movies hav gone so its only a matter of time before they all go hope some1 can get a fix for this neg3
Dont hold yer breath on a fix for N3, as I said in previous posts, I would start looking at other alternatives in the meantime. The UK wont be going N3, at present its pointing at IPTV as a lot of the providers and players in the game seem to be going that route
alternatives ? is there any other way round this think the chorxx is doing they sent new cards to people so far i lost 3 adult all the movies is there any new firmware its a bolloex i got a new dreambox from dvb and the thing was damaged the f/n thing wont start and it cost 22 euro on post i have the new eurovox1100 so it not worth my wile to return, but nomatter if the new neg3 has um all fuxked anyway im in munster ireland just wondering does any 1 no if this is the end of the boxes
As advised, no fix for N3 and by the look of it, the cable scene in ireland is coming to an end, get your dreambox and look at alternatives. There is some good threads on her about using them
Yeah Guys can confirm MOVIES all gone now !!! So what are the options ? Point us in the right direction Thanks in Advance
wats the story whit the dreambox=s for sat con they b flashed they would b from sly not chorxx r am i rong
its the end of the road in sth ireland as its stands. if you want the basic chans you need a N2 capable box, Sv4 or Krypt and thats for basic chans only, no sport no movies no porn (like thats a loss)