hi LiamK, some times the time on the menu stays at 12.00 after a while it corrects itself to set the time MENU USER SETUP TIME SETTINGS (OK) TIME ZONE (GMT) SET THIS TO +01:00 OK EXIT THEN GIVE IT A FEW SECS TO UPDATE T T
Hi piopat. Im missing them all mate... Was told ealier to try and manually search for frequencies because the automatic search isnt picking up anything.
Lads, I have one of those mentioned boxes. Once flashed with the correct firmware, it works. Flashed it in January.
hi guys . listen if anyone has a problem with there box pm me with problem . might be able to help ye.
did you have the box working in the last few months.if so you need to flash the box(put new firmware on it with your pc)or if you know how enter the codes manualy.i dont know about the digivox(as in the menu etc)best of luck.
have to reiterate myloyams's comment. the antenna power supplied by digivox is useless. you will need minimum 18v to power the downconverter, 12v not enough - believe me I've been there. get yourself a separate power inserter if you don't already have one.
kevhumps, are you sure the latest firmware version is digivox_ter_v3310.bin ? I've only seen v3300 available. If there is a later version could you let us know where you got it and what are the differences razor99
Hi piopat, Have never got it working before. Just mounted the aerial and have a 24v downconverter and digivox flashed.
is the antenna pointed the correct way,from what you say everything else is setup ok,are there any houses with mmds antennas near you (look at there angle and see if your pointing the correct way)also before you scan check on the screen and see if all needed info is filled(provider id,make sure it says chorus,symbol rate its 6875 on cable,constellation 64 qam.
hi guys, no channels on my tv today, just put in new codes last week, and its been working fine, have they scrambled it again or is just my box, i have choras in drogheda. Any help? lots of footy on today
Have digivox T and most of my channels are bad, only about 10 are fine , have a downconverter with splitter in the attic but when I remove the splitter and connect directly to the digivox all the channels are fine. The other room has a chorus box and the channels are ok even with the splitter in line only the digivox T has the trouble . I assume its a power issue so do I just get a 24v down convertor version i have the 18v at the mo. Trouble has only appeared in the last few weeks, any suggestion welcomed.
My second box is a digivox-t and don't have that prob. Im using the converter that the 'provider' installed initially to power my primary box. Splitters do cause trouble as I found out.
first thing to check on most boxes with problems is emu getting switched off,u usually get a message on screen bad or scrambled.
hey can anyone help, for the last month or so i don't have sky sports 3 and paramount comedy all the rest are fine, just wondering if there is anything i can do, miss the wrestling im on cho..ass using didgvox t