I don't know if this is the latest firmware, but it is one up from what you have: http://support.vaio.sony.ie/downloa...OPD-01406000-UN.exe&ip=KMFOPD-01406000-UN.htm Browse the "downloads" section and see if you find any formware that is newer.
I 21:19:24 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: RITEKF1) (Speeds: 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x) is that a memorex ? very low write speeds there I 21:19:24 Write Speed: MAX try lower?
hey Rotary, Can you access rpc1.org, the firmware page? I am having problems tonight, I wonder if it is their site, or is on my side...
Thanks. It looks like that burner is not able to write faster than X4: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/mobile/display/sony-vaio-vgnsz_7.html And it looks like that is the lates firmware listed on the site: http://support.vaio.sony.ie/downloads/updates/updates.asp?site=voe_en_IE_cons&m=2232