is this the same computer mother board that started out with: QUOTE- my brother dropped my computer while carrying it perhaps you need to make sure its as intact as you think it is just a thought.
Yeah I checked it thoroughly and luckly it was still ok (phew). Well I did what ddp suggested and I change the IDE1 wire with another one and then I turned on the computer. Then my computer recognized it! (Finally) I pressed the DEL button and went to auto-detect and it found the MAXTOR HARD DRIVE. So I let my computer load and then it stop and says that to INSERT BOOT DISK something like that. Well I'm guessing that I have install the WINDOWS XP at this point. Well the problem is, how?
Just put in your WinXP disk and restart the computer. Make sure in your CMOS that boot from CD-ROM is selected.. XP will pretty much walk you through the whole process just make sure you format the drive using NTFS file system...
XP will bring you to a screen just after you reade the Users Agreement and hit F8.. It will then ask which partition you want to install the system on. Its a new drive so you will have to format it just use the NTFS selection not the FAT32.. Check out this guide
Hey Thanx!!!! My computer finally works now!!! I THANK ALL OF YOU WHO HELPED ME ON THIS! Hey but should I download Windows XP SERVICE PACK 2? Will it mess up my computer?
you might have a problem with your printer because of sp2 so check for latest printer driver before installing sp2 if you do install it
Hey my computer keep telling me that my registry have some errors. IT said to go to and download to get my registry erros fixed. Well I went there and downloaded the software and scanned my computer. Then it said I need to register to use the FIX function. It only let me scan. Am I suppose to buy it? Is there any other software thats free that can fix my registry?
I;m not sure. Well its not appearing anymore. I was online at the time it happened so maybe it was a Hoax. I didn't have a Pop-up blocker at the time. Hey I have a problem. Well my Hard Drive maximum memory is 160GB but when i click my computer and went to properties on the C Drive. It said that it's capacity was only 137GB. Well I read the Manual and it said something about computers limiting Hard drives to be over 137. I was wondering if I download Windows XP SERVICE PACK 2 would resolve the issue. or is there some other method?
One possible problem s that the clicking noise is the header moving back and forth while touching the discs inside. While moving back and forth, it is damaging those discs, so therefore your HD is no longer usable. I've had the same problem and i opened up the harddrive and all 5 discs were damaged.
wow hard drives are REALLY FRAGILE!!! Well I installed Windows XP Service PAck 2 and everything is going great. EXCEPT that my Hard Drive Maximum Capacity is 160GB. My computer is limiting it to 137 for some reason. Can anybody tell me how I can go to 160Gb instead of 137GB???
I believe that you must have at least XP SP1 in order to recognize anything beyond 137GB. There are also some programs like IntelĀ® Application Accelerator that can help with that. SP2 should do the trick, if not check the Microsoft website. You should find everything you need there.
run the windowsupdate to addess issues. the 160GB hard drive is unformatted. if the drive is formatted, you tend to lose space due to organization (pc gurus correct me if i am wrong). as long as you choose the maximum format capacity for ntfs it will do its best to maximize the formatting especially in windows 2000 & xp. you can also use google to search for how to guides to almost anything. try also.
sIXTY fOUR $ ? - Okay ! I am planning to get a new hard drive around december. Other than location and how they are hooked up is there any differences in external & internal hard drives ? Assuming we are talking about basically the same drive! THe drive when I get it will be used mainly to house my video files ISO's and the like. I guess what I am asking is if I go external vs. internal drive am I taking a hit in performance? external drive will be connected via USB 2.0 intenal would be connected by parrelell ata. Also if my current drives are set up PATA and I was to get a sata drive does my motherboard have to support sata natively or can I just buy some kinda of PCI or whatever adapter card? Also anyone have any recommendations of drive brands and or brands models to avoid . You input is appreciated ! thanx again everyone! PEACE & HAPPY BURNING