Beg to differ mate... My computer's pretty average compared to what a lot of people have on these boards, it's at least 2 years old now. Search around and you'll see what I mean. 1 Hour is not unheard of, particularly common with VSO users. Heck even Recoding DVD's with Nero Recode 2 takes less than 1 & 1/2 hours usually, try it out for yourself if you don't believe me. Unless your a complete videophile and using those CCE/HenC type codecs, then 1-2 hours is the norm.
if you say so... what do I know, even if you are the only one that seems to be able to achieve these speeds of video conversion and burning. I still contend that in *most* cases you are pretty much looking at a 1:1 ratio of play time vs conversion/burn time.
my self most of my conversons are 1.39gb avi and i can do it in about 1 1/2 hour and that is with vso convertxtodvd and my spsc are p4 1.7 768 ddr ram 160gb 7200rpm segate hd, 4x hp burner and i use the highest conversion rate, also 5.1 audio on the movies, also i have other things going on while i am doing this, but not to cpu intence, and i think that i have a slow system compared to what Amir89 has posted with his system.